Year 7

Using punctuation in poetry

I can use a range of punctuation for effect in poetry.

Year 7

Using punctuation in poetry

I can use a range of punctuation for effect in poetry.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Punctuation is important in poetry as it shows the reader when to pause for meaning or dramatic effect.
  2. The same punctuation we use to write ordinarily can also be used in poetry.
  3. Colons can be used to introduce an idea or list.
  4. Enjambment is when lines of poetry flow onto each other, creating a fast pace.
  5. Caesura is when there is a pause in the middle of a line, to draw attention to a particular idea or slow the pace.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that the same punctuation rules apply in poetry and other types of writing (e.g. full stops are needed at the end of lines).

Poems are not bound to formal punctuation rules. Having flexibility allows the poet to shape their poem based on emotion rather than grammar rules.


  • Caesura - a pause in the middle of a line of poetry

  • Enjambment - when lines of poetry flow onto each other, creating a fast pace

  • Colon - a punctuation mark used to introduce a list, quotation or explanation

You may wish to show students a version of Sofia's poem in the feedback for Learning Cycle 2 that does not have caesura or enjambment. Let them discover how the meaning changes.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Match the punctuation type to its purpose.
Correct Answer:full stop,used to end a sentence

used to end a sentence

Correct Answer:comma,separates items in a list

separates items in a list

Correct Answer:exclamation mark,express surprise or shock

express surprise or shock

Correct Answer:colon,introduces items in a list

introduces items in a list

What is the primary purpose of punctuation?
Correct answer: make your content and ideas clear
elicit an emotional reaction from readers
persuade the reader about something
Where could a colon go in the following sentence: 'Home isn't just a place it's a feeling of safety.'
Correct answer: 'Home isn't just a place: it's a feeling of safety.'
'Home isn't just a: place it's a feeling of safety.'
'Home isn't just a place it's a feeling of: safety.'
What is caesura?
when lines of poetry flow onto each other, creating a fast pace
Correct answer: when there is a pause in the middle of a line of poetry
when there is no punctuation in a stanza whatsoever
What is enjambment?
Correct answer: when lines of poetry flow onto each other, creating a fast pace
when a poem has an upbeat tone
when there is speech in poetry
Which sentence uses speech marks correctly?
Correct answer: "Welcome home," said mum.
Welcome home said mum.
"Welcome home said mum".

6 Questions

Why is punctuation particularly important in poetry?
Correct answer: it lets the reader know where to pause for meaning, emphasis or dramatic effect
it adds a persuasive tone to poems
it elicits an emotional reaction in the reader
What is not true of a colon?
Correct answer: it can finish a sentence
it can introduce an explanation
it can precede a list
What is the effect of caesura?
Correct answer: adds emphasis to the words/phrases immediately around it
creates a fast pace so builds suspense
evokes guilt in the reader
Match the sentences to the different purposes for the colon.
Correct Answer:introduces speech,My mother always told me: “Home is a feeling".

My mother always told me: “Home is a feeling".

Correct Answer:introduces a explanation,Home is my favourite place: it holds my happiest memories.

Home is my favourite place: it holds my happiest memories.

Correct Answer:introduces a list,Home has everything I need: comfort, family and peace.

Home has everything I need: comfort, family and peace.

What is one effect of enjambment?
it creates a sad tone in a poem
Correct answer: it creates a fast pace and can build suspense
it makes the reader reflect on their actions
"Mum. Jake. Mary. Me." The caesura here could reflect ...
Correct answer: the importance of each family member to the writer.
that Mary is more important than mum.
that the writer isn't close to her family.