Year 7

Planning a newspaper article about the solved case of ‘The Speckled Band’

I can create a detailed plan to support my own writing.

Year 7

Planning a newspaper article about the solved case of ‘The Speckled Band’

I can create a detailed plan to support my own writing.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Newspaper articles include a headline, subheading, opening, main body and tail.
  2. The crime case within 'The Speckled Band' lends itself well to being written about in a newspaper article.
  3. When writing a full newspaper article, you must plan each section.
  4. You can use a multiple paragraph outline to plan each section of your newspaper article.

Common misconception

Planning is not necessary before writing.

Planning is important in helping us structure our work and keep a clear focus.


  • Perpetrator - A perpetrator is someone who carries out a harmful or immoral act.

  • Orchestrate - To orchestrate something is to arrange it for a desired effect, often secretly.

  • Culminate - Culminated means to reach the end of development.

  • Maverick - A maverick is someone who does things differently to others.

  • Multiple paragraph outline - A multiple paragraph outline is a structured plan allowing you to map out information for each paragraph of your extended writing.

Show pupils work that is produced without the planning, compare it to a piece of work that has been planned so they can see the difference in quality.
Teacher tip


You may want pupils to have access to a copy of 'The Speckled Band' by Arthur Conan Doyle for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is a newspaper article?
Correct answer: a piece of writing designed to inform the public on a recent event
a piece of writing to analyse an author's work
a piece of writing that you send to your friend with life updates
What is not a section of a newspaper article?
Correct answer: quotes
main body
What happened to Roylott at the end of 'The Speckled Band'?
he was sent to prison
Correct answer: he died
he fainted
What killed Julia Stoner in 'The Speckled Band'?
Correct answer: A venomous snake bite
A vicious cheetah attack
A baboon bite
Why could the coroner report not accurately conclude the cause of Julia Stoner's death in 'The Speckled Band'?
Correct answer: the tests were unfamiliar with the venom of a swamp adder
there was only a small amount of poison in her body, so it went undetected
Roylott sabotaged the original reports
In 'The Speckled Band', how did Holmes feel about Roylott’s death?
Correct answer: indifferent

6 Questions

Starting with the first, order the features of a newspaper article in chronological order.
1 - Headline
2 - Subheading
3 - Opening
4 - The body
5 - The tail
In the story 'The Speckled Band', who was the perpetrator in the death of Julia Stoner?
Correct answer: Dr. Roylott
What is a maverick?
a person with sinister intentions
Correct answer: a person who does things differently to others
a person who is a victim
Which part of a newspaper article is designed solely to hook the reader?
the tail
the main body
Correct answer: the headline
Thinking of the story 'The Speckled Band', who could you interview for an informative quote about the solved case?
Dr. Roylott
Correct answer: Sherlock Holmes
Julia's friend
Where should you plan to create a conclusive tone when writing a newspaper article?
the opening
the main body
Correct answer: the tail