Year 8

Finding my own voice: performing a poem

I can consider different aspects of performance and apply them to a performance of my own.

Year 8

Finding my own voice: performing a poem

I can consider different aspects of performance and apply them to a performance of my own.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. When performing a poem, you should make informed decisions about the pace, volume and tone of your voice.
  2. Your pace, volume and tone could be very different at different moments of a poem.
  3. Experimenting with different ways of saying a poem can be a good way to decide on how you ultimately want to perform it.
  4. You will also want to consider body language and eye contact when performing a poem.
  5. When you don't know a poem by heart, consider how you will maintain a good level of eye contact with your audience.

Common misconception

Performing poetry is just about reading it aloud.

Watching people perform poetry is very popular. The most engaging performers carefully consider how they will say the poem, and how they will engage with their audience.


  • Ignoble - not honourable, unworthy

  • Tone - the attitude of emotion of your voice - written or verbal

  • Idle - not doing something, lazy

  • Experiment - to try something out


If pupils perform an Angelou poem, they may need 'Phenomenal Woman', 'Woman Work', 'Still I Rise', 'On Aging', 'Caged Bird', 'Equality', 'Life Doesn't Frighten Me', or 'On the Pulse of the Morning'.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
  • Depiction or discussion of sexual content


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Match each word to its definition ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou').
Correct Answer:sullen,bad-tempered, sulky

bad-tempered, sulky

Correct Answer:idle,not doing anything, lazy

not doing anything, lazy

Correct Answer:ignoble,unworthy, not honourable

unworthy, not honourable

What is true of Maya Angelou? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou')
Correct answer: She performed a poem for a President.
Only her poems with refrains are meant to be read aloud.
Correct answer: She read her work aloud as part of her editing process.
Her poems are meant to be set to music.
Correct answer: Performance was important to her work.
Which poem did Maya Angelou write and perform for Bill Clinton? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou')
'On Aging'
'Woman Work'
'Caged Bird'
Correct answer: 'On the Pulse of the Morning'
Match each element of performance to its explanation ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou').
Correct Answer:body language ,gestures/ position of your body showing how you feel

gestures/ position of your body showing how you feel

Correct Answer:eye contact ,looking at your audience: individuals or as a group

looking at your audience: individuals or as a group

Correct Answer:pace,the speed you speak at different moments in the poem

the speed you speak at different moments in the poem

Correct Answer:volume,how loudly you speak at different moments in the poem

how loudly you speak at different moments in the poem

Correct Answer:tone,the attitude and emotion of your voice at different moments in the poe

the attitude and emotion of your voice at different moments in the poe

When you come across a piece of punctuation like a comma or a full stop when reading a poem aloud, what is the punctuation telling you to do? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou')
to project your voice
Correct answer: to pause briefly
to increase your speed
to speak more slowly
to look at your audience
A is a repeated line or set of lines in a poem ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou').
Correct Answer: refrain

6 Questions

What is good advice for someone who is preparing to perform a poem? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou').
Correct answer: Project your voice.
Maintain the same tone throughout.
Look down at the poem throughout.
Correct answer: Engage the audience with eye contact.
Correct answer: Use gestures where appropriate.
What does it mean to vary your pace when performing a poem? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou').
to speak slowly
Correct answer: to sometimes speak fast, and sometimes slow
to be very emotional throughout
to project your voice
What does it mean to vary your tone when performing a poem? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou').
to use gestures and body language
to sometimes speak fast, and sometimes slow
to be very emotional throughout
Correct answer: to alter the attitudes and emotions in your voice
What happened after Maya Angelou performed 'On the Pulse of the Morning' at President Clinton's inauguration? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou')
She was made Poet Laureate.
She won the Nobel Prize for literature.
Correct answer: She won a Grammy.
She became a famous poet.
Which of these sentences use the word 'idle' correctly? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou')
I get up at dawn each day because I am idle.
I idle better than my sister.
Correct answer: She's very idle and never does any work.
Correct answer: I'm always idle in the holidays. I need a break!
Which of these sentences use the word ignoble correctly? ('Single poet study: Maya Angelou')
Correct answer: They won the battle, but they used ignoble tactics.
The most inspiring heroes are always ignoble and strong.
It was an ignoble Sunday morning: wet and rainy.
Correct answer: She is an ignoble villain in the story, and I love her story arc!