An introduction to the play 'Small Island'
I can understand Levy's intentions for 'Small Island', through the reading of her essay ‘Back to My Own Country’.
An introduction to the play 'Small Island'
I can understand Levy's intentions for 'Small Island', through the reading of her essay ‘Back to My Own Country’.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Levy describes her parents experiences of migration and the disparity between expectations and reality.
- The term "Small Island" refers not just to the geographical space but also to the mindset of people living there.
- The term ‘Mother Country’ is a powerful concept.
- Levy wants to foreground the voices of those absent from history like the Caribbean soldiers who fought in WWII.
- Levy has pride in her ancestry and believes that the Caribbean should be recognised, as part of Britain's history.
Empire - a group of states or countries ruled over by one leader e.g. a monarch
Disparity - a lack of equality or devoid of similarities
Assimilate - to become part of a group, country, society or culture
Colonial - referring to colonialism, where a country establishes control over another country
Ancestry - the origins of your family
Common misconception
That only people born in Britain were part of the British Army that fought in WWII.
The British Army contained a huge number of soldiers from different countries. For example, over two and a half million men from the Indian subcontinent volunteered for service, producing the largest volunteer army in history.
You will need access to an abridged version of Andrea Levy’s essay ‘Back to My Own Country’ which is available in the additional materials.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
Adult supervision recommended