Year 7

Exploring the use of mythology in 'The Twisted Tree'

I can understand the plot and some of the Norse mythology that it includes.

Year 7

Exploring the use of mythology in 'The Twisted Tree'

I can understand the plot and some of the Norse mythology that it includes.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Odin is the god of wisdom who sacrificed an eye for greater understanding.
  2. Martha is believed to be a descendant of Odin.
  3. Martha sees a face in the tree.
  4. The novel is inspired by Norse mythology.

Common misconception

Writers will not use stories or characters that already exist. This is copying!

Storytelling is an ancient form. Many writers and artists are inspired by stories that have existed for thousands of years. This is because of their universal characters and timeless themes.


  • Mythology - traditional stories or legends that are part of a culture's belief system

  • Cosmos - the universe

  • Fate - the idea that events happen because they are meant to, beyond our control

  • Descendant - a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild.

  • Inspired - to be motivated to create, sometimes in response to something else

Adapt the reading part of this lesson, Task A, to accommodate your pupils' needs. You may wish for them to read independently, in small groups or as a class.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the text 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge, published by Hot Key Books, 2019.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

In literature, ravens often symbolise which of the following?
Correct answer: death
Correct answer: omens
good luck
Correct answer: prophecies
In 'The Twisted Tree', the writer uses many devices to engage the reader. Can you match the device to its correct description?
Correct Answer:pathetic fallacy,when the weather reflects the mood (usually of the main character)

when the weather reflects the mood (usually of the main character)

Correct Answer:similie,comparison that uses 'like' or 'as'

comparison that uses 'like' or 'as'

Correct Answer:personification,giving inanimate things human attributes

giving inanimate things human attributes

Correct Answer:cliffhanger,a suspenseful ending that leaves the audience eagerly awaiting

a suspenseful ending that leaves the audience eagerly awaiting

In 'The Twisted Tree', the writer describes the tree as having limbs that can "snatch". This is an example of ...
Correct Answer: personification
In the 'The Twisted Tree' the writer describes the bleak and brutal weather conditions to reflect Martha's panic and uncertainty. This is an example of which literary device?
Correct answer: pathetic fallacy
Which of the following could be considered a key theme in 'The Twisted Tree'?
Correct answer: fate and destiny
Correct answer: being an outsider
love and marriage
Correct answer: supernatural
corruption and power
Starting with the first, put these plot points from 'The Twisted Tree' in chronological order.
1 - We are introduced to progotanist Martha, who has supernatural powers.
2 - Martha is at an airport and running away to Norway to see her Mormor.
3 - After arriving in Skjebne, Martha discovers Stig in her Mormor's cabin.
4 - Martha learns that her Mormor has died.
5 - The twisted tree becomes shrouded in mist and begins to give a putrid smell.
6 - A letter from Mormor tells Martha she has powers and needs to water the tree.
7 - Martha discovers a doll that looks like her.

6 Questions

The writer of 'The Twisted Tree', Rachel Burge, was inspired by which mythology?
Correct answer: Norse
Which word beginning with 'm', can be described as the: 'traditional stories or legends that are part of a culture's belief system.'?
Correct Answer: mythology, myths
'The Twisted Tree' is dedicated to which Norse god?
Correct Answer: Odin
In Norse mythology, Odin has two messengers called Huginn and Muninn. What type of birds are these?
Correct answer: ravens
In 'The Twisted Tree', what is a significant similarity between the Norse god Odin and Martha?
they can both read people through touching their clothes
Correct answer: they are both missing an eye
they both have pet wolves
Which word from Norse mythology means refers the tree that connects the whole cosmos?
Correct answer: Yggdrasil