Year 7

Reading 'The Twisted Tree': the climax

I can understand what the climax of the novel is.

Year 7

Reading 'The Twisted Tree': the climax

I can understand what the climax of the novel is.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Martha visits Hel in the underworld.
  2. Hel gives Martha a magical cord that could allow her to return the dead to the underworld.
  3. Martha's mother arrives to help her.
  4. Martha and her mother work together to kill the draugr.
  5. This is the climax of the novel.

Common misconception

The climax comes at the end of a story.

The climax is actually the high point of tension and action in a story, not necessarily at the end. It usually occurs towards the end but is followed by the resolution where the remaining conflicts are settled.


  • Climax - the point in the narrative where the suspense and excitement reach their highest point

  • Gnarled - rough and twisted with age

  • Recoil - flinch back in fear, terror or disgust

  • Emanate - spread out from a source

  • Fledgling - a new, inexperienced or immature person or animal; a bird that has left the nest

In Learning Cycle 2, you may wish to link the story structure to other texts you have studied with your pupils.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the text 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge, published by Hot Key Books, 2019.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', which two characters are murdered trying to protect Martha from the draugr?
Correct answer: Gandalf
Correct answer: Stig
In 'The Twisted Tree', what is the name of the Norse god of the Underworld?
Correct Answer: Hel
Match the characters from 'The Twisted Tree' to the correct description.
Correct Answer:Martha,the protagonist who has supernatural powers

the protagonist who has supernatural powers

Correct Answer:Stig,breaks into Mormor's cabin after running away from home

breaks into Mormor's cabin after running away from home

Correct Answer:the Norns,the weavers of fate in Norse mythology

the weavers of fate in Norse mythology

Correct Answer:Hel,god of the underworld

god of the underworld

Correct Answer:the draugr,a living corpse who kills the living

a living corpse who kills the living

Correct Answer:Karina,Martha's great-grandmother

Martha's great-grandmother

Which of these would not be considered a theme in 'The Twisted Tree'?
fate and destiny
Correct answer: greed and wealth
good vs evil
being an outsider
the supernatural
Which word beginning with 'a', can be described as 'a person's family history or lineage'?
Correct Answer: ancestry
In 'The Twisted Tree' Martha and Stig's relationship develops as the novel progresses. Starting with the first, put these plot points in to the correct order to show how their relationship develops.
1 - Martha is initially wary and distrusting of Stig, upon finding him in the cabin.
2 - Stig tells Martha about people in Norse Mythology including Odin and the Norns.
3 - Martha's trust grows as she tells Stig about her supernatural powers.
4 - Stig and Martha discover the murdered bodies of Yrsa and Olav.
5 - Stig and Martha figure out that the draugr is attracted to light.
6 - Stig and Martha almost kiss.
7 - Stig is murdered by the draugr.

6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', what does Martha use to kill the draugr?
a gun
a sword
Correct answer: an axe
a knife
a magical thread
In 'The Twisted Tree', Martha visits the underworld. Which information does Hel not give to Martha?
how to kill the draugr
Stig's spirit is still inside of him
Correct answer: how to water the tree
Mormor is with the restless dead
In 'The Twisted Tree', who appears to help Martha finally defeat the draugr?
Martha's dad
Correct answer: Martha's mum
Which part of a story's structure can be described as the point in the narrative where the suspense and excitement reach their highest point?
build up
Correct answer: climax
Which part of a story's structure, beginning with the letter 'r', can be described as the end of the story where the problems are resolved?
Correct Answer: resolution
Which definition best matches the word 'emanate'?
rough and twisted with age
flinch back in fear, terror or disgust
Correct answer: spread out from a source
a new, inexperienced or immature person or animal