Year 7

Reading 'The Twisted Tree': the draugr as a villain

I can understand the plot and how the villain is introduced.

Year 7

Reading 'The Twisted Tree': the draugr as a villain

I can understand the plot and how the villain is introduced.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Martha thinks the dead have escaped from the tree in the form of a draugr.
  2. Martha can see faces appearing in the shadows around the cabin.
  3. A howl sounds close to the cabin.
  4. A villain can be considered an antagonist and has an evil and scary presence.
  5. The draugr is an effective villain with its malevolent presence and unpredictability.

Common misconception

Villains are easily identifiable and will be always be introduced from the outset of a text.

Consider the draugr's subtle and encroaching presence. Burge uses this slow reveal to create tension.


  • Transfixed - motionless with horror or astonishment

  • Mortified - feel very embarrassed or ashamed

  • Inheritance - belongings, for example money and property, received from someone after they have died

  • Horde - a large group

  • Draugr - from Norse mythology, a ghost, spirit or reanimated corpse

When reading the text, try different independent reading strategies. For example, 'control the game'. Select pupils at random to read, jumping from pupil to pupil after a couple of sentences.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the text 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge, published by Hot Key Books, 2019.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
  • Depiction or discussion of mental health issues


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

What is the name of the writer of 'The Twisted Tree'? Rachel ...
Correct Answer: Burge
In 'The Twisted Tree', what is the name of Martha's great-grandmother?
Correct answer: Karina
In 'The Twisted Tree', which two characters are found murdered at the end of Chapter 14?
Stig and Martha
Correct answer: Olav and Yrsa
Mormor and Karina
Gandalf and Martha's mother
In 'The Twisted Tree' there are many references to Norse mythology. Match the names to their correct description.
Correct Answer:Odin,the highest of the gods and god of wisdom, knowledge and death

the highest of the gods and god of wisdom, knowledge and death

Correct Answer:Hel,ruler of the underworld

ruler of the underworld

Correct Answer:The Norns,the three women in charge of weaving fate

the three women in charge of weaving fate

Correct Answer:Yggdrasil,the tree that connects all the realms and is centre of the cosmos

the tree that connects all the realms and is centre of the cosmos

Correct Answer:Huginn and Muninn,Odin's ravens who fly through the nine worlds and report back

Odin's ravens who fly through the nine worlds and report back

Correct Answer:Aslaug,tasked by Odin to water the tree he was hanged from

tasked by Odin to water the tree he was hanged from

In 'The Twisted Tree', Martha recalls Mormor telling stories about "corpses" who walk and "kill" those that are alive. What are these undead creatures called?
a zombie
Correct answer: a draugr
a dragon
a death-eater
Which of the following best describes a cliffhanger?
the introduction of a new character
Correct answer: a technique where the story ends abruptly, leaving the outcome unresolved
a plot twist that resolves all conflicts
a flashback revealing characters' past experiences

6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', who or what could be considered the villain?
The Norns
Correct answer: The draugr
In 'The Twisted Tree', what does the draugr have as a head?
Correct answer: a skull
a decaying human head
a viking helmet
the head of a mythical creature
Which word can be described as: 'behaving in a hurried, panicked or anxious way'?
Correct answer: frantically
In 'The Twisted Tree', which adjective is used to describe the draugr's hair?
Correct answer: matted
Which of these answers would not be considered a conventional trait of a villain?
Correct answer: generosity
Which word beginning with 'a' describes a character who is hostile or opposes another. It can be used to describe the villain in a story.
Correct Answer: antagonist, the antagonist