Year 7

Reading 'The Twisted Tree': the theme of fate

I can understand the plot and Martha's consideration of the idea of fate.

Year 7

Reading 'The Twisted Tree': the theme of fate

I can understand the plot and Martha's consideration of the idea of fate.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Martha falls into a dream and sees Karina, her great-grandmother.
  2. Karina warns her that Mormor is trapped because nobody has watered the tree.
  3. The light attracts the draugr.
  4. Fate is the idea that our lives are laid out for us before we are even born.
  5. Martha believes you can alter the course of your life through your actions.

Common misconception

Including the theme of fate means that characters have no choice or control over their actions and are simply puppets of destiny.

While fate in 'The Twisted Tree' suggests that certain events and abilities are predestined, characters still have the power to make choices that shape their journey.


  • Wrenched - pulled or twisted suddenly or violently

  • Exasperated - intensely irritated or frustrated

  • Apparition - ghosts

  • Vortex - a whirling mass or fluid or air

  • Fate - the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power

In Learning Cycle2 you may wish to compare the theme of fate in other texts that are studied in your own curriculum.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the text 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge, published by Hot Key Books, 2019.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
  • Depiction or discussion of mental health issues


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', what is a draugr?
a woman that controls destiny
a raven messenger
Correct answer: a walking corpse who comes back to kill the living
a Norse god
In 'The Twisted Tree', which of these features does the draugr not have?
Correct answer: a forked tail
long claws
a skull for a head
matted hair
In 'The Twisted Tree' there are many references to Norse mythology. What is the name for the group of women who weave destiny and decide humans' fate?
Correct answer: The Norns
Which word beginning with 'a', can be described as 'a person's family history or lineage'?
Correct Answer: ancestry
There are a number of key themes in 'The Twisted Tree'. What is a theme?
an important character in a text which is explored in different ways
Correct answer: an important idea in a text which is explored in a number of different ways
an important plot point in a text which is explored in different ways
important language devices used by the writer in a text
an important quotation in a text which could be explored
From 'The Twisted Tree', which character could be described as a local boy in Norway who becomes an important friend to Martha? He seems to have a lot of dark secrets.
Correct answer: Stig

6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', what are the draugr attracted to?
Correct answer: light
fog and mist
In 'The Twisted Tree', Martha is spoken to by Karina. How is she related to Martha?
Correct answer: great-grandmother
In Chapter 17 of 'The Twisted Tree', Mormor attempts to communicate with Martha. How does she do this?
by sending ravens
Correct answer: through a doll
through the shape of runes
by leaving a message on the window
In Chapter 17 of 'The Twisted Tree', Karina tells Martha that Mormor is trapped where?
inside the cabin
inside the doll
Correct answer: inside the twisted tree
inside the ravens
Which word beginning with 'f', can be described as 'the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power'?
Correct Answer: fate
In Chapter 17 of 'The Twisted Tree', who appears to Martha as apparitions in the story?
strangers from another town
ancient Norse gods
Correct answer: her deceased ancestors
living relatives