Year 7

The resolution of 'The Twisted Tree'

I can understand the resolution of the novel.

Year 7

The resolution of 'The Twisted Tree'

I can understand the resolution of the novel.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Martha and her mother resolve their disagreement.
  2. Stig and Gandalf are revealed to be alive.
  3. Martha's mother decides to move so she can tend to the tree.
  4. Martha feels more confident in herself by the end of the novel.
  5. Burge offers an effective resolution, but there are still unanswered questions.

Common misconception

The resolution of a story will leave no unanswered questions and all conflicts resolved.

Sometimes there can still be a few things left open or unresolved. This can make the story more interesting and leave readers thinking about what might happen next.


  • Grotesque - repulsively ugly or distorted

  • Mystical - spiritual or supernatural experiences that are beyond ordinary understanding

  • Ashen - very pale with shock or fear

  • Warily - cautiously, carefully

  • Seers - people who see visions of the future

When reading the text, try different independent reading strategies. For example, 'control the game'. Select pupils at random to read, jumping from pupil to pupil after a couple of sentences.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the text 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge, published by Hot Key Books, 2019.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', Martha uses an to kill the draugr?
Correct Answer: axe, ax
In 'The Twisted Tree', Martha meets Hel and discovers that her face is one half beautiful and the other half is a .
Correct Answer: skull
In 'The Twisted Tree', Martha kills the draugr with the help of "dozens" of black ...
Correct Answer: ravens
Match the parts of the story structure to the correct description.
Correct Answer:opening,where the writer describes the setting and characters

where the writer describes the setting and characters

Correct Answer:build-up,where the problems are introduced and tension rises

where the problems are introduced and tension rises

Correct Answer:climax,the high point of the action and tension

the high point of the action and tension

Correct Answer:resolution,where the problems are resolved

where the problems are resolved

Which one of these would not be considered part of an effective climax?
addressing of major conflicts
emotional impact
Correct answer: introducing a new character
character development
pacing and tension
Which part ot 'The Twisted Tree's' narrative could be considered the climax?
Martha is introduced
Martha discovers a letter from Mormor
Olav and Yrsa's bodies are discoved
Martha and Stig nealry kiss
Correct answer: Martha kills the draugr with an axe

6 Questions

In 'The Twisted Tree', what does Martha decide to do at the end?
Correct answer: she begins to write a journal
she stitches her name onto the family tree
she paints a picture of the tree
she draws a map to the underworld
What is the name of the sequel to 'The Twisted Tree'?
Correct answer: The Crooked Mask
The Twisted Tree II
The Draugr's Return
Another Trip to the Underworld
Starting with the first, put the elements of the story structure in chronological order.
1 - opening
2 - build up
3 - climax
4 - resolution
Which definition best describes the resolution in the structure of a story?
where the writer describes the setting and characters
where the problems are introduced and tension rises
the high point of the action and tension
Correct answer: where the problems are resolved
In 'The Twisted Tree', what is the name of Stig's ex-girlfriend who he left in Oslo?
Correct Answer: Nina
In 'The Twisted Tree', what carries the bones of the draugr away?
Martha's mother
Correct answer: the ravens
the Norns