Year 7

'The Twisted Tree': creating a newspaper headline about the draugr

I can create engaging headlines and subheadings for an article about the 'draugr'.

Year 7

'The Twisted Tree': creating a newspaper headline about the draugr

I can create engaging headlines and subheadings for an article about the 'draugr'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Headlines will give the reader an indication of what the story is likely to be about.
  2. The purpose of a headline is to grab the reader's attention.
  3. A headline should give an indication of the content of a news article.
  4. Language devices are often used in headlines.
  5. Subheadings can be used to give more detail about a story.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that a headline alone is enough to convey the entire story of an article.

Explain that while a headline grabs attention and hints at the article's content, it's the subheading and body text that provide the full details and context. Emphasise the importance of each element working together to inform the reader.


  • Headline - the title of an article

  • Subheading - text that is found under the main headline to give further insight or support for the headline

  • Pun - joke making use of the different possible meanings of words that sound alike

  • Draugr - an undead creature from Norse mythology that haunts the living

Consider using contemporary news stories that students will be familiar with in Learning Cycle 2 as you move on to headlines and subheadings.
Teacher tip


You will need access to the text 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge, published by Hot Key Books, 2019

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

What is a 'draugr' in Norse mythology?
a type of tree
Correct answer: an undead creature
a magical spell
a heroic warrior
Martha kills the draugr with in 'The Twisted Tree'.
a spell
Correct answer: an axe
a potion
a group of ravens
What is the purpose of a newspaper article?
to analyse a writer's work
Correct answer: to inform the public of recent events
to inform the public about a celebrity's life and background
Newspaper articles are usually written in the ...
first person.
Correct answer: third person.
second person.
Newspaper articles often contain the 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why). Match these elements below in a story about Martha and the draugr.
Correct Answer:What,the Draugr is killed

the Draugr is killed

Correct Answer:Where,at Mormor's Cabin

at Mormor's Cabin

Correct Answer:When,at dusk

at dusk

Correct Answer:Why,to prevent it haunting the living and to allow the souls to return

to prevent it haunting the living and to allow the souls to return

Correct Answer:Who,Martha


What is rhyme?
Correct answer: matching sounds at the end of words
repetition of words
creating an image in the reader's mind

6 Questions

What is the primary purpose of a headline in a newspaper article?
to provide detailed information
Correct answer: to catch the reader's attention
to show a picture
to cover the 5 Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
Which of the following best describes a subheading?
the main title of an article
a detailed explanation
Correct answer: a brief summary under the headline
a picture caption
In the context of a newspaper article, what is a 'pun'?
a formal announcement
a serious statement
Correct answer: a joke using wordplay
any type of language device used in a headline
Which language device is used in the headline "Terrific Tech Triumphs"?
Correct answer: alliteration
sensationalist language
Match each of these headlines about the death of the draugr (from 'The Twisted Tree') to the language device used.
Correct Answer:Grave Situation: Draugr Meets Its End,pun


Correct Answer:The Nightmare Ends!,sensationalist language

sensationalist language

Correct Answer:Martha's Axe means no more attacks!,rhyme


Correct Answer:Martha's Mythic Victory,alliteration


Which of the below would be an appropriate subheading for the headline 'Town on Brink of Chaos!'?
Local politicians get a win for residents.
New recycling initiative gets locals going green.
Correct answer: Crime rises for second year in a row.
Warm weather set to raise temperatures.