Year 11

'Macbeth': exploring the external feminine influences in the play

I can explain why Macbeth was susceptible to manipulation by female characters in the play.

Year 11

'Macbeth': exploring the external feminine influences in the play

I can explain why Macbeth was susceptible to manipulation by female characters in the play.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Macbeth's lack of a male heir makes him susceptible to Lady Macbeth's manipulations
  2. Lady Macbeth uses Macbeth's insecurities to emasculate him
  3. Macbeth is more likely to believe the witches' prophecies due to his insecurities
  4. Macbeth's lack of a male heir makes him more likely to betray Banquo and Duncan
  5. Shakespeare upholds the status quo by punishing characters who do not conform to conventional gender roles

Common misconception

Pupils believe Lady Macbeth holds most of the responsibility for Macbeth's actions.

When considering the witches' role, ask pupils which ideas can be used to counter the significance of Lady Macbeth's role in his downfall?


  • External influences - external influences are factors beyond a characters control which may affect their decisions or behaviour.

  • Susceptible - susceptible means you are liable to be influenced by something.

  • Emasculation - emasculation is the act of depriving a man or his masculine strength or role, making him feel less masculine.

  • Vulnerable - people who are vulnerable are exposed to harm, either physically or emotionally.

  • Revolutionary - revolutionary can mean dramatic change or being engaged in political revolution.

When delivering the explanation in 'Shakespeare, gender and the status quo', be prepared to explain in more detail the impact Shakespeare has had on literature, using concrete examples for students.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which of the following is not an external influence that contributes to Macbeth's downfall?
The witches' prophecies.
Correct answer: Macbeth's personal ambition.
Lady Macbeth's manipulative behaviour.
Complete the sentence by adding either a conventional or an unconventional in the gap. Lady Macbeth is depiction of an 11th Century Gaelic woman.
Correct Answer: an unconventional, unconventional
Which three quotes are said by Lady Macbeth in an attempt to manipulate her husband?
Correct answer: "Live a coward in thine own esteem."
Correct answer: "Are you a man?"
"All hail Macbeth!"
Correct answer: "Was hope drunk?"
"For brave Macbeth, - well he deserves that name."
Complete this sentence: The first character we see contemplating committing crimes is
Correct Answer: Macbeth
Select three adjectives which best describe Lady Macbeth's behaviour in the first half of the play.
Correct answer: Domineering
Correct answer: Manipulative
Correct answer: Persuasive
Which of the words below means, 'the act of making a man feel like less of a man?'
Correct answer: Emasculating

6 Questions

Which word, beginning with v and meaning being exposed to the possibility of harm, would fit in this sentence? Macbeth is to the witches prophecies.
Correct Answer: vulnerable, vulnerable
Why would some people argue that the witches were not supernatural beings and just mischief making outsiders?
Macbeth chooses to revist them.
Not everyone believes in the supernatural.
Correct answer: Banquo's son is not king by the end of the play.
Which word, beginning with s and similar to vulnerable, fits in this sentence? Macbeth's insecurities surrounding his lack of patrilineal line means he is to Lady Macbeth's emasculation
Correct Answer: susceptible, Susceptible
Select the two quotations which are an example of Lady Macbeth's emasculation of her husband.
Correct answer: "Too full of the milk of human kindness."
Correct answer: "Tis the eye of childhood, that fears a painted devil."
"Come you spirits [...] unsex me here."
"Out damn'd spot! Out I say!"
Which of the following is the most sophisticated inference about why Lady Macbeth's manipulation is successful?
Lady Macbeth gets angry at her husband for breaking a promise.
Lady Macbeth questions her husband's masculinity.
Correct answer: Lady Macbeth targets her husbands insecurities about his lack of male heir.
Select two reasons below as to why Shakespeare might be described as a defender of the status quo.
Correct answer: Characters who challenge gender roles are punished by the end of the play.
Correct answer: The play is a warning against defying the natural order.
In Lady Macbeth, Shakespeare has created an unconventional female character.
Throughout the play, characters defy the natural order.