Year 10

Essay writing: creating introductions and conclusions on 'Animal Farm'

I can use a three part structure to create an effective introduction and conclusion.

Year 10

Essay writing: creating introductions and conclusions on 'Animal Farm'

I can use a three part structure to create an effective introduction and conclusion.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. An introduction and conclusion should follow a three part structure.
  2. An excellent introduction should start with a general statement about the text.
  3. An introduction should have a more specific statement about the focus of the question, followed by a thesis.
  4. A thesis statement should include a clear, overarching argument referring to the writer's purpose.
  5. A conclusion should summarise, evaluate and consider the timeless nature of the text.

Common misconception

Introductions and conclusion aren't important.

An effective introduction and conclusion means that a written response is more likely to be well considered and cohesive throughout.


  • Timeless - Something that does not change as a result of time or fashion.

  • Overarching - An argument which is overarching encompasses all the main ideas or themes of a text.

  • Thesis - An overarching argument or the main idea in a response.

  • Complicit - To become involved in, or supportive of, questionable actions by others. This is not always done consciously.

Share some model responses of whole essays, this provides an opportunity for students to see them in the context of responses and how they elevate written work.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What word beginning with 'L' means "to make something seem acceptable and lawful, particularly something bad"?
Correct Answer: legitimise, legitimate, legitimize, Legitimise , Legitimate
Which word beginning with 'D' means to give out or spread, particularly with reference to news and information.
Correct Answer: disseminate, dissemination, Disseminate, Dissemination
Which language feature helps you to logically sequence your topic sentences?
Correct answer: discourse markers
Starting with the first, put the plot points from 'Animal Farm' in chronological order.
1 - Old Major give his inspiring speech about equality.
2 - The rebellion happens and the animals chase Mr. Jones off the farm.
3 - Animalism is established and the seven commandments are created.
4 - The Battle of the Cowshed happens and Snowball fights bravely.
5 - Napoleon expels Snowball, seizes power and begins his reign of terror.
6 - The Battle of the Windmill results in the animals working even harder.
7 - The pigs begin to walk on two feet and reduce the commandments to one statement.
Match the character from 'Animal Farm' to the historical figure they represent.
Correct Answer:Napoleon,Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin

Correct Answer:Snowball,Leon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky

Correct Answer:Squealer,Molotov and propaganda

Molotov and propaganda

Correct Answer:Mr Jones,Tsar Nicholas II

Tsar Nicholas II

Correct Answer:Old Major,Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Complete the quotes from 'Animal Farm' by matching the start of the quote to the end.
Correct Answer:He could turn black ...,into white.

into white.

Correct Answer:Our lives are miserable ...,laborious and short.

laborious and short.

Correct Answer:Four legs good ...,two legs bad.

two legs bad.

Correct Answer:The only good human being ...,is a dead one.

is a dead one.

Correct Answer:It is for your sake that ...,we drink that milk and eat those apples.

we drink that milk and eat those apples.

Correct Answer:All animals are equal ...,but some animals are more equal than others.

but some animals are more equal than others.

6 Questions

If something is described as 'timeless' it ...
is considered old fashioned
has no sense of the passing of time
is considered futuristic
Correct answer: does not change as a result of time and fashion
What word beginning with 'C' describes someone who has become involved in, or supportive of, questionable actions by others? This is not always done consciously.
Correct Answer: Complicit , Complicitly , complicit, complicitly
Which of these is not part of a three part structure for an introduction?
A sentence focusing on the theme or character.
A thesis statement.
A sentence about the whole text.
Correct answer: Supporting detail and analysis.
Which of these is not part of a three part conclusion structure?
Correct answer: A comment to introduce your overarching argument.
An evaluative comment.
A sentence about what the text teaches us or gets us to think about.
Sentence to summarise what you have said.
Which of these words are not conclusive discourse markers?
Correct answer: However
In conclusion
Correct answer: Initially
Which of these is an example of a complex sentence with a fronted subordinate clause?
Napoleon is described as ...
Orwell represents this through ...
Correct answer: In the presentation of Squealer, Orwell suggests that ...
Boxer is the epitome of ...