Year 10

Understanding 'Climbing My Grandfather'

I can explain how Waterhouse presents the multifaceted experience of reflecting upon memories of a loved one.

Year 10

Understanding 'Climbing My Grandfather'

I can explain how Waterhouse presents the multifaceted experience of reflecting upon memories of a loved one.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The speaker of the poem is reminiscing about a childhood memory of climbing their grandfather’s body.
  2. The speaker initially feels safe and secure when reminiscing about his grandfather.
  3. The climb, and act of remembering, becomes increasingly difficult, risky and even dangerous.
  4. The grandfather is presented as an ambiguous figure, both comforting yet also mysterious.
  5. Waterhouse often wrote about the natural world and family relationships.

Common misconception

The speaker is actually climbing a mountain.

The speaker compares the experience of climbing up his Grandfather's body as a child to climbing up a mountain.


  • Reminiscing - reflecting on past experiences with fondness

  • Memories - recollections of the past that shape our history and identity

  • Ambiguous - something that is open to interpretation because it could have multiple meanings

  • Multifaceted - having various aspects or layers

  • Reassuring - offering comfort, support or confidence to alleviate concerns

In this lesson, you may wish to read the text in small groups before reading as a class to enable pupils to discuss their initial views on the poem.
Teacher tip


Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is autobiographical writing?
Correct answer: When someone writes about their own life
When someone writes about the life of a fictional character
when someone writes about someone else's life
What is context?
The deeper meanings in a text
Correct answer: The background information that we need to understand a text
The text itself
A group of similar texts
The skills we use to analyse a text
Match each of the poetry terms to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:Structure,How a poem is organised on the page

How a poem is organised on the page

Correct Answer:Metaphor,Comparing things by finding similarities in their qualities

Comparing things by finding similarities in their qualities

Correct Answer:Simile,Comparing two things using 'like' or 'as'

Comparing two things using 'like' or 'as'

Correct Answer:Free verse,A poem that doesn't rhyme or have a regular rhythm

A poem that doesn't rhyme or have a regular rhythm

Correct Answer:Imagery,Using language to create a vivid image in the reader's mind

Using language to create a vivid image in the reader's mind

Correct Answer:Rhythm,The pace or 'beat' of a poem

The pace or 'beat' of a poem

Below are the steps you should take when analysing a poem for the first time. Starting with the first, put them in chronological order.
1 - Read through the poem and form an initial idea of what you think it is about.
2 - Highlight key words or language techniques you spot.
3 - Re-read the analysis question and select some relevant key quotes from the poem.
4 - Make a brief plan to ensure your response has a clear and logical strructure.
5 - Write an overview, summing up your answer to the analysis question.
6 - Write your analysis paragraphs, exploring how the writer uses language.
7 - Read your response carefully after writing, checking for any inaccuracies.
Select the two missing answers below to complete this sentence: It's important to consider the mood and emotive tone of a poem because and
Correct answer: It helps you to understand the poet's message.
It helps you to find language techniques.
It helps you to work out the rhythm.
It helps you to decide whether or not you like the poem.
Correct answer: It helps you to decide which poem(s) you could compare it to in your exam.
Which of these words means 'fond memories of the past'?
Correct answer: Nostalgia

6 Questions

The poet of 'Climbing My Grandfather', Andrew Waterhouse, was a passionate...
Mountain climber
Correct answer: Environmental campaigner
Social worker
What is the poem 'Climbing My Grandfather' about?
Someone who climbs a mountain named after their grandfather
Correct answer: Someone reminiscing about climbing up their grandfather's body as a child
Someone who climbs a mountain to sprinkle their grandfather's ashes
Someone climbing the stairs to say goodnight to their grandfather
Someone who is climbing a ladder that used to belong to their grandfather
Match up each of these words to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:Reminiscing,Reflecting on past experiences with fondness

Reflecting on past experiences with fondness

Correct Answer:Memories,Recollections of the past that shape our history & identity

Recollections of the past that shape our history & identity

Correct Answer:Ambiguous,Something that is unclear or open to interpretation

Something that is unclear or open to interpretation

Correct Answer:Multifaceted,Having various aspects or layers

Having various aspects or layers

Correct Answer:Reassuring,Offering comfort or support to alleviate concerns

Offering comfort or support to alleviate concerns

Starting with the first, put the journey of 'Climbing My Grandfather' in chronological order.
1 - The speaker feels safe and secure.
2 - The speaker's climb becomes more difficult and dangerous.
3 - The speaker reaches the summit (top) feeling exhausted yet triumphant.
In 'Climbing My Grandfather', which of these quotations presents the grandfather as a mysterious figure?
"the slow pulse of his good heart"
Correct answer: "the glassy ridge of a scar"
"the wrinkles well-spaced and easy"
In 'Climbing My Grandfather', which of these quotations presents the grandfather as a reassuring figure?
"climbing has its dangers"
Correct answer: "a smiling mouth"
"earth-stained hand"