Year 11

Using perspective, tone, and punctuation to craft a clear voice

I can create a clear sense of voice, within my writing.

Year 11

Using perspective, tone, and punctuation to craft a clear voice

I can create a clear sense of voice, within my writing.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Purpose and audience will help you establish tone of voice
  2. Students do not need to write from their own perspective
  3. Inventing a character can help their work stand out from others
  4. Sarcasm and humour, when used well, can be effective in creating tone of voice
  5. Deciding a viewpoint and sticking to it is more effective than creating a balanced viewpoint

Common misconception

Pupils often fail to realise that they don't have to write from their own perspective.

Inform pupils that it can be incredibly powerful to write from another, imagined perspective.


  • Condemn - If you condemn something, you criticise it strongly.

  • Optimistic - Someone with an optimistic view of the world sees it very positively.

  • Cynical - Someone who is cynical always assumes the worst about people or situations.

  • Pessimistic - Someone with a pessimistic view of the world sees it very negatively.

  • Prospect - A prospect is a possibility - the idea that something might happen.

When reading the model paragraphs and responses, follow the punctuation closely, to model to pupils how using punctuation shapes voice.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of the model response used for this lesson. You will find it in the additional materials.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What is perspective?
Correct answer: someone's point of view
someone's memories
someone's vision
someone's aims
Which of the following is the noun?
Correct answer: fun
What is a pronoun?
Correct answer: a word that replaces a noun.
a word that comes after a verb.
a word that replaces an adjective.
a word that comes before a noun.
How do you sign off a letter to somebody you don't know by name?
Yours sincerely
Yours earnestly
Yours devotedly
Correct answer: Yours faithfully
Match the rhetorical device to the example.
Correct Answer:flattery,dearest friends and esteemed colleagues...

dearest friends and esteemed colleagues...

Correct Answer:alliteration,the greedy grabbing by greasy little fingers...

the greedy grabbing by greasy little fingers...

Correct Answer:rhetorical question,if not you, then who? if not now, then when?

if not you, then who? if not now, then when?

Correct Answer:triple,our loyal, devoted and admired public service workers...

our loyal, devoted and admired public service workers...

Correct Answer:emotive language,a life of neglect, abandonment, misery and heartache...

a life of neglect, abandonment, misery and heartache...

Correct Answer:direct address,I now encourage you to look deep within yourselves...

I now encourage you to look deep within yourselves...

What is an idiom?
historic tales that have been passed down e.g Little Red Riding Hood
superstitious myths e.g. not walking on the cracks in pavements
Correct answer: figurative sayings that are familiar e.g. 'it's raining cats and dogs'

6 Questions

Which of the following does voice help us to express?
Correct answer: emotions
Correct answer: attitudes
Correct answer: perspectives
When considering perspectives to write from, we have to decide who about the topic.
Correct Answer: cares
Which tone best describes the following sentence: It is an utter tragedy that thousands of dogs each and every year are cast aside by their owners, thrown out onto the streets to fend for themselves.
angry tone
optimistic tone
neutral tone
Correct answer: sympathetic tone
cynical tone
Someone who sees the worst in people or situations can be described as
Correct Answer: cynical, cynical., Cynical
Choose of the following options. Inverted commas are used to show...
direct speech
Correct answer: someone else's ideas
Correct answer: disapproval
Which of the following uses inverted commas correctly?
Correct answer: The bank kindly offered me their 'help' in recovering the money they misplaced.
Correct answer: I had previously been informed that this was a 'family club'.
We have been told repeatedly how essential 'school uniform is'.
Correct answer: The 'artist' of this vandalism must be apprehended as soon as possible.
Some of my 'colleagues' are fantastic: they're a real credit to the company.

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