Year 11

'Macbeth': exploring Macbeth as the tragic hero

I can identify the ways in which Macbeth is a tragic hero.

Year 11

'Macbeth': exploring Macbeth as the tragic hero

I can identify the ways in which Macbeth is a tragic hero.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Hubris, hamartia, stubornnesss and self-discovery are all characteristics of a tragic hero
  2. Macbeth displays hubris by disregarding the natural order
  3. Some people argue that Macbeth’s hamartia is his overly ambitious nature
  4. Macbeth feels guilt throughout the play, although it is arguable whether he learns a moral lesson

Common misconception

Pupils think Macbeth has all of the characteristics of a tragic hero.

Use learning cycle 2 to draw out a debate about whether Macbeth actually learnt a lesson, highlighting where pupils may not agree.


  • Hubris - Hubris is an extreme and unreasonable sense of pride in yourself.

  • Stubborn - Someone who is determined to do what they want and refuses to change their mind can be described as being stubborn.

  • Disregard - If you disregard something you ignore it, and refuse to let it influence you.

  • Palpable - If a feeling is very obvious or very strong it can be described as being palpable.

Try turning the second practice activity into a classroom debate.
Teacher tip


You may find it helpful to have a copy of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of the following adjectives would it not be logical to use to describe Macbeth in 'Macbeth'?
Correct answer: loyal
Which of the following is the correct definition for 'protagonist'?
Correct answer: The leading character in a play or novel.
The main villain in a play or novel.
A supporting character in a play or novel.
In the play 'Macbeth', why did Macbeth believe Macduff would not kill him?
He believed he was a stronger warrior than Macduff and could beat him in battle.
The witches predicted Fleance would kill him, not Macduff.
Correct answer: The prophecies led him to believe he could not be killed by man born of woman.
What word means 'a character's fatal flaw'?
Correct Answer: hamartia, Hamartia, hamartia., Hamartia.
Which of the following happens in the denouement of 'Macbeth'?
Correct answer: Macbeth is killed by Macduff during battle.
Macbeth hears the witches prophecies.
Macbeth murders Duncan in his sleep.
In 'Macbeth', which of the following is an example of Macbeth's arrogance?
Lady Macbeth manages to manipulate her husband.
Correct answer: Macbeth believes he cannot be killed by Macduff.
Macbeth is awarded the title of Thane of Cawdor.

6 Questions

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word palpable?
Macbeth is palpable.
Correct answer: Macbeth's guilt is palpable.
Macbeth is palpable and guilty.
Which word means an extreme and unreasonable sense of pride in yourself?
Correct Answer: Hubris, hubris, Hubris., hubris.
In 'Macbeth', which of the following are examples of Macbeth disregarding the natural order?
Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor.
Correct answer: Macbeth revisits the witches to hear more prophecies.
Correct answer: Macbeth orders the murder of Macduff and his family.
Correct answer: Macbeth becomes king.
Macbeth dies in battle and Malcolm ascends to the throne.
Complete this quotation from 'Macbeth' which illustrates Macbeth's guilt: "Glamis hath murder'd , and therefore Cawdor shall no more."
Correct Answer: sleep, sleep., Sleep, Sleep.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a tragic hero?
Discovery and self-knowledge
Correct answer: Bravery in the face of danger
In 'Macbeth', which of the following is not an example of Macbeth's hubristic attitude?
Macbeth believes Macduff is unable to kill him.
Macbeth order Banquo and Fleance's death.
Correct answer: Macbeth is intrigued by the witches' initial prophecies.