Year 10

'Animal Farm': reading and discussing Chapter 3

I can explain what happens in Chapter 3 of Animal Farm.

Year 10

'Animal Farm': reading and discussing Chapter 3

I can explain what happens in Chapter 3 of Animal Farm.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The pigs are the most intelligent animals on the farm.
  2. Squealer uses rhetoric to control the less intelligent animals.
  3. The pigs appear to be taking advantage of their position as leaders.

Common misconception

The pigs immediately set about taking control of the farm.

The pigs' increasing power and control is a gradual process, relying on incremental changes in the commandments to gain overall control.


  • Rhetoric - The art of effective and persuasive public speaking is known as rhetoric.

  • Allusion - An allusion is an implied or indirect reference to something else. In Animal Farm Napoleon is an allusion to Stalin.

  • Allegory - If a story has a hidden moral or political message it is known as an allegory.

  • Bourgeois - Bourgeois means belonging to the middle class and having a strong interest in possessions and money.

  • Maxim - Maxims are short statements expressing general truths or rules. In Animal Farm ‘Four Legs good, two legs bad’ is a maxim.

Squealer's speech is a great example of effective rhetorical devices which can be combined with other units that have a focus on teaching rhetoric/speech-writing.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is the name of the farmer who controls the farm at the start of the novella 'Animal Farm'?
Correct answer: Mr. Jones.
Mr. Smith.
Mr. Brown.
Mr. Frederick.
'Animal Farm' is a story about animals but it also has a hidden political meaning. As such it is an...
Correct answer: allegory.
In 'Animal Farm', what is the catalyst for the animal's revolution?
Correct answer: Jones gets drunk and forgets to feed the animals.
Old Major's death.
Other animals rising up on neighbouring farms.
The election of Snowball and Napoleon as leaders.
George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is based on which revolution?
Correct answer: Russian.
'Now Comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours?' What language device has been used by Old Major here in 'Animal Farm'?
Correct answer: Rhetorical question.
Emotive language.
Which of the below most accurately summarises George Orwell's own political positions?
Correct answer: A democratic socialist, sceptical of totalitarian communist regimes.
A democratic communist, sceptical of totalitarian communist regimes.
A democratic capitalist, supportive of totalitarian regimes.
A democratic Marxist, supportive of totalitarian communist regimes.

6 Questions

What is the name of the pig in 'Animal Farm' who seeks to persuade the other animals that the pigs alone are entitled to the milk and apples?
Correct Answer: Squealer, squealer
Order the animals from 'Animal Farm' in order of reading ability with the best at the top and the worst at the bottom.
1 - The pigs
2 - Muriel the goat
3 - The dogs
4 - Clover
5 - Boxer
6 - Sheep, hens and ducks
In 'Animal Farm', 'Four legs good, two legs bad' is an example of...
Correct answer: a maxim.
an anecdote.
an allegory.
a commandment.
an allusion.
Why does the character of Mollie from 'Animal Farm' represent the bourgeoisie?
Correct answer: She is vain, materialistic and reluctant to work.
She is hard-working, diligent and reliable.
She is unbothered by the revolution.
She thinks 'Animalism' doesn't go far enough.
In 'Animal Farm', which of the below are reasons given by Squealer as to why the pigs should be given the milk and apples?
Correct answer: Jones will return if they don't.
Correct answer: The pigs are 'brainworkers'.
Correct answer: They don't actually even like milk and apples.
The pigs invented 'Animalism' so should be given extra rations.
Pigs have larger appetites than other animals.
Which of the below best describes how the pigs are behaving after the revolution in 'Animal Farm'?
Correct answer: The pigs are incrementally gaining more power by manipulating the other animals.
The pigs are seizing power quickly.
The pigs are selflessly putting others first in their running of the farm.
Although in charge, the pigs are ruling fairly in the interests of all.