Year 10

Symbolism in 'Animal Farm'

I can identify and explain key symbols in 'Animal Farm'.

Year 10

Symbolism in 'Animal Farm'

I can identify and explain key symbols in 'Animal Farm'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Animal Farm is a microcosm because it is a self-contained representation of a larger society and system.
  2. The windmill represents how progress can better a society, but can also be exploited.
  3. Food is used to symbolise luxury and inequality.
  4. Flags and rituals are used to both galvanise the animals and maintain control.

Common misconception

That the animals feel negatively towards the rituals and ideas put forward by the pigs.

Think about the response to Beasts of England. Is this same atmosphere created by Napoleon's parade? Why are the pigs' rituals different?


  • Microcosm - A microcosm is a small place or society that represents something much larger.

  • Symbolism - Symbolism is where writers use objects, characters, or elements in their work, to represent deeper ideas and themes.

  • Hypocrisy - is when someone pretends to hold certain beliefs, while their actions and behavior contradict or undermine these.

  • Ritual - A ritual is a set of actions performed in a particular way with cultural, social or religious significance.

An effective alternative task is to get students to design their own flags for their own ideal society and then explain the symbolism.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What does the term "proletariat" refer to?
The ruling class in society.
Correct answer: Unskilled workers who do manual labor.
A group of pigs on the farm.
The bourgeoisie.
In 'Animal Farm', which character represents Joseph Stalin, the authoritarian leader of Soviet Russia?
Correct answer: Napoleon.
Old Major.
What does the phrase "four legs good, two legs better" symbolise in 'Animal Farm'?
A declaration of equality among all animals.
The importance of hard work and loyalty.
Correct answer: The pigs' adoption of human-like behavior.
The pigs' commitment to Old Major's ideas.
How does 'Animal Farm' end, and what does it symbolise?
With a happy celebration, symbolising the success of the revolution.
With the animals living in harmony, symbolising utopia.
Correct answer: With a violent quarrel, symbolising the inevitability of conflict.
With the return of Mr. Jones, symbolising the return to the old ways.
Which words best describe Benjamin from 'Animal Farm'?
Correct answer: Cynical.
Correct answer: Apathetic.
Correct answer: Old.
In 'Animal Farm', Orwell aims to explore power and corruption. What do Benjamin and Boxer represent in relation to this theme?
The power of unity and cooperation.
Correct answer: The danger of apathy and ignorance.
The inevitability of revolution.
The virtue of absolute authority.

6 Questions

What word beginning with 'M' means a small place or society that represents something much larger?
Correct Answer: microcosm, Microcosm, microcosm., Microcosm.
In 'Animal Farm' which two are used to symbolise luxury and inequality?
Correct answer: Sugar.
Correct answer: Whiskey.
In 'Animal Farm' which symbol represents progress as both positive and as a tool of exploitation?
Correct Answer: Windmill, windmill, Windmill., windmill.
In 'Animal Farm' what two elements make up the image on the flag?
Correct answer: Hoof.
Correct answer: Horn.
What do rituals in 'Animal Farm', such as the flag-raising ceremony and meetings, symbolise?
Correct answer: Tradition and legitimacy.
A rejection of the pigs' authority.
A commitment to equality among the animals.
A desire for a simpler life.
What is the main theme conveyed through symbolism in 'Animal Farm'?
The importance of unity and equality.
The value of hard work and simplicity.
Correct answer: The dangers of totalitarianism and the corruption of power.
The necessity of following established rituals and traditions.