Year 11

The importance of food and drink motifs in 'Animal Farm'

I can explain how the motif of food and drink are used in 'Animal Farm'.

Year 11

The importance of food and drink motifs in 'Animal Farm'

I can explain how the motif of food and drink are used in 'Animal Farm'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The pigs prioritise their personal greed over the values outlined by Old Major.
  2. The apple could represent the parable of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace.
  3. Food symbolises more than just greed, it symbolises hypocrisy.
  4. The food the pigs take builds from the basics to luxuries, such as whisky.
  5. Tracing motifs is an effective way to develop your essays.

Common misconception

Mollie is the only character interested in sugar as a luxury.

Napoleon orders sugar for his table and his consumption alone. What does this tell us about the hypocrisy of the pigs?


  • Gluttony - over indulgence and excessive greed

  • Berate - to tell someone off or criticise them

  • Parable - a simple story used to convey a moral message or religious principle

  • Hypocrisy - to behave in a way that is different or the opposite to the beliefs that are presented

Task B could be adapted to focus on a different motif e.g the windmill.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

In 'Animal Farm' the fifth commandment, "no animal shall drink alcohol", is changed. How is it changed and why?
"without cause" was added so the pigs could use it as medicine.
"ever" was added because none of the pigs wanted to be like men.
Correct answer: "to excess" was added so the pigs could drink alcohol.
In 'Animal Farm', what was the name of the pig that tested Napoloen's food?
Correct Answer: Minimus, minimus, Minimus., minimus.
In 'Animal Farm', what did the pigs buy after they sold Boxer to the 'knacker'?
Correct answer: whisky
Complete the quote from 'Animal Farm'. "It is for your sake that we ..."
eat sugar and drink milk.
Correct answer: drink that milk and eat those apples.
take the apples and milk away.
drink whisky.
In 'Animal Farm', what reason does Squealer give for the pigs drinking milk and eating apples?
The pigs have always enjoyed luxurious privileges due to their intelligence.
Correct answer: The pigs need the nutrients to stay healthy and lead the farm.
A temporary measure to sustain the pigs' strength during challenging times.
The pigs are entitled to special treatment as they are the natural leaders.
In 'Animal Farm', what is Mollie worried about losing after the rebellion?
Correct answer: ribbons and sugar
sugar and apples
bows and ribbons
apples and ribbons
sugar and milk

6 Questions

What word beginning with 'g' means over indulgence and excessive greed?
Correct Answer: gluttony, Gluttony, glutton, Glutton, gluttony.
Arguably, the apples in 'Animal Farm' symbolise what?
power and control
Correct answer: temptation and deception
equality and unity
wisdom and knowledge
In 'Animal Farm' what is considered the turning point in the novella?
The pigs selling Boxer for whisky.
The animals being starved of food.
The pigs refusing to eat sugar.
Correct answer: The pigs taking the milk and apples.
In 'Animal Farm', what "special gift" is given to every animal after the 'Battle of the Windmill'?
Correct answer: apples
In 'Animal Farm', what word beginning with 'h' would describe Napoleon's eating of sugar after berating Mollie for the same thing?
Correct Answer: Hypocrisy, hypocrisy , hypocrite, Hypocrite, hypocritical
Complete this quote from 'Animal Farm'. It comes from Old Major's speech: "Man is the only creature who ...
labours without rest."
craves freedom."
Correct answer: consumes without producing."
understands the true nature of equality."

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