Year 11

Understanding the Gothic in 'Jekyll and Hyde'

I can write about the gothic in ‘Jekyll and Hyde’.

Year 11

Understanding the Gothic in 'Jekyll and Hyde'

I can write about the gothic in ‘Jekyll and Hyde’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Jekyll is a typical gothic protagonist: egotistical and isolated.
  2. The story dramatises Jekyll's inner struggle between good and evil and the same duality within society.
  3. Liminal and altered states are a gothic convention that is central to this story.
  4. Drawing on gothic conventions allows Stevenson to explore transgressive behaviour and illicit desires.
  5. Using multiple narrators is a gothic trope that plays with ideas of verisimilitude, linking to science vs. supernatural.

Common misconception

Stevenson just replicates or reiterates common gothic conventions.

Many common gothic conventions are used but subverted too (the setting of Regent's Park subverts gothic settings).


  • Verisimilitude - The appearance of being true or real.

  • Liminality - At a boundary or transitional point between two contrasting elements.

  • Illicit - Illegal or disapproved of by society.

  • Trope - A commonly used literary device is known as a trope. A gothic trope would be isolated settings.

  • Transgressive - Involving violation of moral or social boundaries.

Consider discussing similarities between the gothic conventions of 'Jekyll and Hyde' and other texts the students may have studied.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' by Robert Louis Stevenson for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What appears at the top of a Freytag's pyramid?
Correct answer: climax
falling action
rising action
Which word beginning with 'e' can describe 'Jekyll and Hyde'? This word refers to a novella made up of letters and other documents as part of its narrative structure.
Correct Answer: epistolary, Epistolary, epistolary novella, Epistolary Novella
In 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde', the motif of the mask best relates to which theme?
Correct answer: false appearances
religion vs. science
human curiosity
The narratives of which two characters end 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'?
Correct answer: Lanyon's and Jekyll's
Utterson's and Jekyll's
Lanyon's and Utterson's
Enfield's and Lanyon's
What is the correct definition of 'illicit'? Here it is used in a sentence: 'The secret warehouse held an illicit stash of stolen goods.'
Correct answer: Illegal or disapproved of by society
Disliked and unpopular with society
Encouraged and supported by society
Tolerated and overlooked by society
What is the correct definition of transgressive? Here it is used in a sentence: 'Her art was lauded for its transgressive themes.'
Correct answer: Involving violation of moral or social boundaries
Involving vindication of moral or social boundaries
Involving creation of moral or social boundaries
Involving destruction of moral or social boundaries

6 Questions

The novella 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' contains:
a single narrative.
Correct answer: multiple narratives.
a chronological narrative.
a historical narrative.
In 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde', Jekyll is a typical gothic protagonist: egotistical and .
Correct answer: isolated
In 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde', Jekyll's experiments violate social or moral boundaries. As such they are ...
Correct answer: transgressive
Complete the following quote which seems to suggest Jekyll relishes his dual nature in ch10 of 'Jekyll and Hyde': 'it delighted me like .'
Correct Answer: wine, Wine
Complete this quote, which highlights Jekyll's realisation of the true nature of man in 'Jekyll and Hyde', ‘I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly '.
Correct Answer: two, Two, 2, two.
In 'Jekyll and Hyde', the use of documents as part of the narrative structure, arguably, give the story a sense of verisimilitude. Why?
Correct answer: The use of official documents, from reputed characters, makes it seem realistic.
The different accounts add mystery, leaving the audience in the dark.
They tell the story gradually, which raises tension.
We know all narrators are likely to be biased, which makes us question them.