Year 11

Writing a successful speech

I know how to write a successful speech that uses writing techniques with sophistication.

Year 11

Writing a successful speech

I know how to write a successful speech that uses writing techniques with sophistication.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The topic of your speech is the main subject matter.
  2. The topic needs to be developed into a thesis statement which expresses your main argument.
  3. Think about the who, what and why of the topic in order to create a thesis statement.
  4. Rhetorical techniques need to be employed carefully - it is important to avoid overusing them.
  5. An effective structure is to start with the individual, move to the group and then to the big picture.

Common misconception

Rhetorical questions are frequently overused by students.

When reading out overused rhetorical questions, stress how they can sometimes seem almost aggressive.


  • Sophisticated - complex, highly developed and stylish

  • Paradoxically - in a way that seems strange, impossible or unlikely

  • Detrimental - causing harm, damage or injury

  • Contribution - the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result

In Learning Cycle 1, you can ask students to write a list of topics and then swap with someone else who turns them into a thesis statement.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is the best definition of the phrase 'topic of your writing'?
the deliberate use of structure
Correct answer: the main idea or subject
the language used to persuade
the genre of writing
What is the best definition of a thesis statement?
a brief summary of the writer's feelings towards a topic
a detailed summary of all the elements in the writing
Correct answer: a summary of the main idea or claim that the writing will argue or prove
a brief argument of all the anecdotes and quotations that will be used
Match the linguistic techniques on the left with the correct definitions on the right.
Correct Answer:rhetorical question,designed to make a point rather than elicit an answer

designed to make a point rather than elicit an answer

Correct Answer:statistics,numerical data such as facts and figures

numerical data such as facts and figures

Correct Answer:rule of three,a triplet of words, used for emphasis

a triplet of words, used for emphasis

Correct Answer:direct address ,using 'you' and 'your' to communicate with a reader or listener

using 'you' and 'your' to communicate with a reader or listener

At the start of a piece of non-fiction, we need an engaging ...
Correct Answer: hook
Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
Correct Answer:anecdote,a brief and often personal or illustrative story

a brief and often personal or illustrative story

Correct Answer:expert,a person with specialised knowledge or skill in a particular subject

a person with specialised knowledge or skill in a particular subject

Correct Answer:individual,a person who stands apart from the group

a person who stands apart from the group

Correct Answer:community,a group of people sharing common characteristics or interests

a group of people sharing common characteristics or interests

If you wanted to write a speech about the importance of young people learning an instrument, which two of the following ideas would you use?
Music was played by people in ancient civilisations.
Correct answer: Learning an instrument has been shown to enhance cognitive skills.
Correct answer: Studies show that playing an instrument can be a great stress reliever.
The most successful musicians can make a lot of money.

6 Questions

Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.
Correct Answer:paradoxically,ironically


Correct Answer:detrimental,harmful


Correct Answer:sophisticated,refined


Correct Answer:contribution,offering


What word beginning with T refers to the subject matter of a speech or other type of writing?
Correct Answer: topic
Starting with the first, put the following elements of text structure into the order you would use them for an introduction in a speech.
1 - individual
2 - community
3 - big picture
Which of the following sentences uses statistics?
Correct answer: Over 70% of the population prefers to shop online.
Most people choose to shop online.
There are numerous challenges in navigating the internet.
Correct answer: 4 out of 10 people say they hate shopping.
Which of the following sentences uses an anecdote?
Studies show that regular exercise improves cognitive function.
Correct answer: My grandmother once told me a story about a kind spider.
The scientific method is thought to be a sound way of arriving at the truth.
Albert Einstein revolutionised our understanding of space and time.
How can you turn a topic into a thesis statement?
Correct answer: decide on your engaging hook so you instantly interest the reader
Correct answer: decide the who, what and why of your speech
decide which rhetorical devices you will use and why
decide how you will conclude your writing