Year 10

Understanding Satyamurti's 'War Photographer'

I can explain how Satyamurti presents the horror of war from different perspectives.

Year 10

Understanding Satyamurti's 'War Photographer'

I can explain how Satyamurti presents the horror of war from different perspectives.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Satyamurti is a sociologist with an interest in the stories people tell about themselves.
  2. The poem was published in the 1980s, against a backdrop of conflicts: the Falklands War and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  3. The poem addresses the contrast between the atrocities of war and those safe at home.
  4. The ‘story’ behind many images of conflict published by the media can often be misunderstood.
  5. A war photographer's job is one with moral implications: they raise awareness of conflict but are powerless to help.

Common misconception

The woman in the poem didn't love her baby because she abandoned them when the bomb went off.

It's difficult to hold someone to account for their actions in a traumatic event like this. Furthermore, the description of the "burden" the woman abandons could also be interpreted as an emotional burden that the shock causes her to leave behind.


  • Ekphrastic - a poem that describes or responds to an image or sculpture.

  • Semantic field - a group of words related by meaning, often within a specific context or topic.

  • Sociologist - studies human society, behavior, and institutions, analysing patterns, structures, and relationships.

  • Moral implications - judgements regarding right and wrong actions, often influencing behaviour and decision-making.

  • Desensitised - reduced sensitivity or emotional response, often due to repeated exposure to stimuli.

The poem deals with big moral issues of truth, accountability, trauma and responsibility. Encourage your class to debate these issues before and after reading the text together. You may wish to print out the four Oak opinions from leaning cycle 2 and encourage students to debate these ideas.
Teacher tip


Edexcel GCSE Poetry Anthology ('Conflict' cluster)

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

'A struggle between opposing desires, beliefs, or emotions within oneself.' Which type of conflict is being described here?
military conflict
Correct answer: inner conflict
social conflict
interpersonal conflict
environmental conflict
What is imagery?
words imitating sounds they represent
attribution of human emotions to nature
repetition of words at the beginning of successive phrases or clauses
Correct answer: vivid descriptions appealing to senses, creating mental images
comparison using "like" or "as" to show similarity between two different things
Match each of these poetic terms to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:stanza,a group of lines forming a unit in a poem, sharing common patterns

a group of lines forming a unit in a poem, sharing common patterns

Correct Answer:structure, arrangement of elements within a poem, including stanzas and rhythm

arrangement of elements within a poem, including stanzas and rhythm

Correct Answer:form,overall pattern or shape of a poem, including rhyme and poetic devices

overall pattern or shape of a poem, including rhyme and poetic devices

Starting with the first, put these periods of conflict into chronological order.
1 - Crimean War
2 - World War I
3 - World War II
4 - First Arab-Israeli War
5 - Falklands War
What are 'morals'?
strong desires that drive someone's actions, often related to achievements
personal judgements on matters, often subjective and influenced by experiences
standards or goals that are considered perfect or desirable, guiding ambitions
emotions triggered by perceived threats or dangers, causing anxiety
Correct answer: principles or beliefs about what is right or wrong, guiding behaviour
What does the word 'absurd' mean?
Correct answer: contrary to reason or logic; ridiculous or wildly unreasonable
feeling uneasy or apprehensive about something uncertain or imminent
charmingly old-fashioned or picturesque
easily seen through or understood; clear, honest, and straightforward
intentionally made unclear or confusing

6 Questions

What is an ekphrastic poem?
a Japanese poem with 3 lines, 17 syllables, typically evoking nature and seasons
a narrative poem with alternating rhyme, telling stories of love and adventure
poetry without strict rhyme or meter, allowing for freedom of expression
Correct answer: a poem that describes or responds to an image or sculpture
As well as a poet, Carole Satyamurti was also a sociologist who was particularly interested in...
how people deal with traumatic situations.
the moral implications of war and suffering.
Correct answer: the stories people tell about themselves.
the stories people tell about others.
Which of these feelings might a war photographer feel when they think about their job?
Correct answer: pride
Correct answer: guilt
Why might a war photographer become desensitised to the suffering people experience in warzones?
Correct answer: Suffering is less shocking because they are exposed to it everyday as their job.
They will focus only on their deadlines and getting paid.
They won't often experience the suffering firsthand.
They will have been trained to distance themselves from their subjects.
Complete the missing phrase in this sentence: 'The words "frame", "subject", "picture" and "caption" are all from the of photography in Satyamurti's 'War Photographer'.'
Correct Answer: semantic field
Which of these quotations from 'War Photographer' suggests that the "girl['s]" story (when she runs from the bomb) has been misunderstood when reported in the media?
Correct answer: "almost-smile"