Year 10

Having productive discussions in response to a non-fiction text

I can effectively discuss how a writer uses language to present a powerful message.

Year 10

Having productive discussions in response to a non-fiction text

I can effectively discuss how a writer uses language to present a powerful message.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Language is empowering and enables us to enact social or political changes.
  2. Having a consistent method will help to make sure your annotations are efficient and easy to understand.
  3. Effective discussions will take turns, develop ideas, use evidence and respond to the other speaker.
  4. Adverbs such as 'arguably' and 'undeniably', can be used to show the extent to which we agree with an idea or statement.

Common misconception

That discussions are just 'chats' and aren't that important.

Think about all of the times you may need to use your verbal skills e.g an interview or presentation. Being able to articulate yourself well verbally is an important skill to have.


  • Instigate - to initiate or provoke an action or event, usually with a specific outcome

  • Transformative - something that has the power or force to bring about change, often in a positive or impactful way

  • Productive - to accomplish something in an efficient and effective way

  • Sustain - to maintain or uphold something

  • Resilience - the ability to adapt or bounce back from difficult situations

Learning cycle 2 can be completed as a written task, if discussion is not a viable option.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'A letter to the dreamers' by Serena Williams. This can be found in the additional materials.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

What do we mean by the term annotation?
writing down key quotes
Correct answer: a note with a brief explanation
highlighting key words
What method used by writers is being described here: 'the recurrence of a word or phrase.'?
Correct Answer: repetition
Which example below is the first person pronoun?
Correct answer: I/my
What method is being used here: "When I was growing up, I had a dream. I’m sure you did, too."?
Correct answer: direct address
"Do they say LeBron is one of the world’s best male athletes?" This is an example of a...
Correct Answer: rhetorical question
Which pronoun is used in this sentence: "We must continue to dream big, and in doing so, we empower the next generation of women to be just as bold in their pursuits."
Correct answer: first person plural
third person
collective third person
first person

6 Questions

Match the keywords to their definition.
Correct Answer:Instigate ,initiate or provoke an action

initiate or provoke an action

Correct Answer:Productive ,accomplish something in an efficient way

accomplish something in an efficient way

Correct Answer:Sustain ,maintain or uphold something

maintain or uphold something

Correct Answer:Resilience ,ability to adapt

ability to adapt

Powerful language can enact social or changes.
Correct Answer: political
A productive discussion involves...
Correct answer: taking turns.
Correct answer: using evidence/reasons.
disagreeing with the other speaker.
Correct answer: responding to the other speaker.
Correct answer: developing ideas.
Match the discussion stem with the correct example phrase.
Correct Answer:Agree with their comment,I share the same viewpoint because…

I share the same viewpoint because…

Correct Answer:Build on their comment,Another aspect to consider would be…

Another aspect to consider would be…

Correct Answer:Challenge their comment,I see it differently because…

I see it differently because…

What symbol could you use to identify key vocabulary in your annotations?
Correct answer: circle
square brackets
What type of word is useful to use in front of an statement you make to show the extent to which you agree?
Correct answer: adverb

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