Year 10

Using semantic fields in a piece of creative writing

I can use semantic fields effectively in my creative writing.

Year 10

Using semantic fields in a piece of creative writing

I can use semantic fields effectively in my creative writing.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A semantic field is a group of words related in some way. They can be related by meaning or in a more abstract way.
  2. Writers deliberately use semantic fields to develop their characters in certain ways.
  3. Writers deliberately use semantic fields to keep an idea present in a reader’s head.
  4. Effective semantic fields will include a variety of word types including: nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Common misconception

As long as the words are related in some way it is an effective semantic field.

The best semantic fields vary their word types, including verbs, adjectives and nouns that are related in some way.


  • Semantic field - A group of words related in some way.

  • Nuance - A subtle difference in meaning.

  • Characterisation - The process of creating a fictional character.

  • Villainous - Wicked or immoral behaviour typical of a villain.

  • Science fiction - Fiction based on imagined scientific or technological advances or major social or environmental changes.

Shakespearean soliloquys often use semantic fields effectively in nuanced ways. Consider using text from a play you have studied with your class recently to bring out further the concept of a semantic field.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

If something is clear and intelligible then it has ...
Correct answer: clarity.
What can an ellipsis at the end of a sentence suggest?
Correct answer: a pause or something unsaid
a question
extra information
the introduction of a character
An exclamation mark does which of the following?
poses a question
Correct answer: shows intense emotion
shows belonging
separates a main clause
Complete this definition of science fiction: 'Fiction based on imagined scientific or technological advances or major social or changes.
Correct answer: environmental
Which of the below is the best definition of 'villainous'?
Correct answer: wicked or immoral behaviour
apathetic behaviour
careless or clumsy behaviour
clever and sneaky behaviour
Which of the below is the best definition of 'nuance'?
Correct answer: a subtle difference in meaning
a significant difference in meaning
no difference in meaning
a change in meaning from one thing to another

6 Questions

What is a semantic field?
Correct answer: A group of words related in some way.
A group of words unrelated in some way.
A group of words that sound similar.
A group of words that have similar origins.
Which of the below words could be part of a semantic field of weather?
Correct answer: overcast
Correct answer: shining
Correct answer: rainfall
What is the process of creating a fictional character called?
Correct Answer: Characterisation, characterisation, characterisation., Characterisation.
Which of the below would be a valid reason as to why a writer would use a semantic field?
Correct answer: To develop a character
Correct answer: To keep an idea present in a reader's head
To demonstrate their sophisticated vocabulary
To conclude a story
To shift a story in time and place
The best semantic fields contain a mixture of nouns, verbs and .
Correct answer: adjectives
language devices
If introducing a villain, an effective semantic field that accompanies them would be ...
clear and obvious, classing them as a villain immediately.
Correct answer: nuanced, leaving an element of mystery to the reader.
repetitive, using negative adjectives extensively.
short, using either nouns, adjectives or verbs in the description.