Year 11

Winsome Pinnock’s messages about education in ‘Leave Taking’

I can suggest why Winsome Pinnock wrote ‘Leave Taking’, and the ideas about education that she wants her audiences to reflect on.

Year 11

Winsome Pinnock’s messages about education in ‘Leave Taking’

I can suggest why Winsome Pinnock wrote ‘Leave Taking’, and the ideas about education that she wants her audiences to reflect on.


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The power of education is a central theme in ‘Leave Taking’.
  2. Pinnock examines the idea that there is a hierarchy of knowledge in the formal education system.
  3. Pinnock challenges her audiences to widen their view of what is valued in education.
  4. When writing an essay on ‘Leave Taking’, you should identify and explore Pinnock’s intentions.


  • Eurocentric - When there is a focus on European culture or history, ignoring or excluding cultures and history from the wider world.

  • Informal education - The learning that occurs outside formal settings; a lifelong education in which you learn about yourself and the world.

  • Formal education - Teaching and learning that happens in institutions and follows a particular curriculum.

  • Hierarchy - A system in which items are ranked according to their rank or value.

  • Indoctrinate - When you make people believe something; a less formal synonym is to brainwash.

Common misconception

Pinnock doesn't value formal education.

Pinnock sees the very real power of formal education, but opens our eyes to how that power has been used for ill, and how it could be used for good.

Consider how you would like to leave the single paragraph outline. Should writing it up be a homework task? Should your pupils create a full plan to the essay?
Teacher tip


You need access to a copy of Winsome Pinnock's 'Leave Taking' published by Nick Hern Books.


Content guidance

  • Contains strong language
  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended



This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

Lesson video


6 Questions

In 'Leave Taking', why is Enid particularly proud of Viv?
She has a good job.
She is interested in her cultural heritage.
She is respectful when the Pastor visits.
Correct answer: She is an academic student.
Correct answer: She is going to go to university.
In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Mai that she is not worried about Viv because, "They can't take you away from you".
Correct Answer: education, "education", Education, Education., education.
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', how does Pinnock draw attention to the Eurocentric nature of Viv's schooling?
Correct answer: Viv quotes from Shakespeare.
Del draws attention to it, and this is why Enid slaps her.
Correct answer: Viv doesn't know who Nanny of the Maroons is.
Correct answer: Viv quotes from Rupert Brooke.
Brod draws attention to it, and this is why Enid throws him out.
In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Mai that she worries about Del. Why does Enid worry about Del?
Correct answer: Enid is worried that Del doesn't have strong qualifications, unlike Viv.
Enid worries Del is going to become an obeah woman.
Enid is worried that Del drinks to excess.
Enid is worried that Del wants to visit the West Indies.
Correct answer: Enid is worried because she doesn't know where Del is.
Education is an important theme in 'Leave Taking'. How does Pinnock explore this theme through the character of Brod?
Correct answer: Brod comes into conflict with Enid about the way she is teaching her daughters.
Brod complains about his own education, and how it has impacted his life.
Correct answer: Brod draws attention to Viv's Eurocentric education.
Brod teaches Del about her cultural heritage.
Correct answer: Brod serves as the catalyst for Viv questioning her formal education.
Education is an important theme in 'Leave Taking'. How does Pinnock explore this theme through the character of Mai?
Correct answer: Mai teaches Del about her cultural heritage.
Correct answer: Mai shows the importance of informal education.
Mai encourages Viv to reject her Eurocentric education.
Mai complains about her own education and the impact it had on her.
Mai is especially proud of her son because of his academic success.

6 Questions

Education is a central theme in 'Leave Taking'. What are some of the central messages Pinnock wants us to consider?
Correct answer: The importance of seeing yourself reflected in the education system.
That formal education is destructive and worthless.
Correct answer: The importance of both formal and informal education.
That we should use education to indoctrinate people.
Correct answer: That we should widen our views about what is valued in formal education.
In every essay about 'Leave Taking', you should explore Pinnock's intentions. What does it mean to explore a writer's intentions?
To understand what the writer intends to do next.
Correct answer: To explore what messages they might want their audiences to take away.
To give biographical detail about the writer before starting the analysis.
Correct answer: To suggest why they wrote the work.
To say what you intend to write about in your essay, as the writer of the essay.
A pupil argues, "In 'Leave Taking', Pinnock presents all of Del's formal education as a positive experience." How would you correct this pupil?
Correct answer: Del respects formal education's power, but her experiences were often negative.
Correct answer: Consider Del's negative experience at school, where she did not receive support.
Brod opens up Del's eyes to the Eurocentric nature of her schooling.
Correct answer: It is Del's informal education that is positive, not her formal education.
Consider that Mai tells Del that being an obeah woman is more important.
When you are writing main body paragraphs about 'Leave Taking', you should finish each with concluding sentences. What should good concluding sentences do?
repeat your topic sentence
Correct answer: make clear the paragraph has reached a conclusion
Correct answer: link to your topic sentence
Correct answer: explore writer's intentions
include a range of quotations
In her introduction to 'Leave Taking', Pinnock writes, "My parents' generation had been indoctrinated by a colonialist education that lionised [celebrated] all things ".
Correct Answer: British, british, British., british., brittish
In 'Leave Taking', Pinnock explores the idea that there is a of knowledge whereby some knowledge is considered more valuable than others.
Correct Answer: hierarchy, Hierarchy, Hierarchy., hierarchy., "hierarchy"