Year 11

Del and Viv’s experiences with education in ‘Leave Taking’

I can compare Viv and Del's differing experiences with education - both formal and informal - in ‘Leave Taking’.

Year 11

Del and Viv’s experiences with education in ‘Leave Taking’

I can compare Viv and Del's differing experiences with education - both formal and informal - in ‘Leave Taking’.


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Del's experiences with formal education were mainly negative.
  2. Del understands the value of formal education, hence her anger at Viv for skipping one of her A Level exams.
  3. Del finds a sense of peace and fulfilment via her informal education with Mai.
  4. Despite her academic success, Viv doesn't connect to her school curriculum.
  5. At the end of the play, Viv pursues Black Studies at uni, perhaps suggesting she will enjoy a more fulfilling education.


  • Formal education - Teaching and learning that happens in institutions and follows a particular curriculum.

  • Informal education - The learning that occurs outside formal settings; a lifelong education in which you learn about yourself and the world.

  • Formative - An experience that has a profound (deep) and lasting influence on a person.

  • Dyslexia - A condition that affects the skills used to read fluently and accurately.

  • Identity - Who you are; the qualities that make you. Understanding, finding and accepting your identity can be a life’s work.

Common misconception

Del doesn't value formal education.

Del does see the value in formal education, but was turned away from it through a lack of support and understanding.

Consider the final practice task which asks pupils to draw together all learning from the lesson. Do they need an additional model, or would completing the first comparison together support a more successful pupil outcome?
Teacher tip


You need access to a copy of Winsome Pinnock's 'Leave Taking' published by Nick Hern Books


Content guidance

  • Contains strong language
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of sexual violence


Adult supervision required



This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

Lesson video


6 Questions

At the end of 'Leave Taking', what happens to the character of Viv?
She moves in with Mai.
She moves in with Brod after Enid throws them both out.
She goes on a gap year despite Enid's protestations.
Correct answer: She goes to university.
She moves in with Del to support with the baby.
At the end of 'Leave Taking', what happens to the character of Del?
She moves back in with Enid.
Correct answer: She becomes an obeah woman.
She has her baby.
She uses the money Viv gives her to start a new life.
She fights with Enid.
Each of these scenes from 'Leave Taking' includes either Del or Viv, or both. Match the scenes to their plot points.
Correct Answer:Scene One,Del and Viv attend an obeah reading with Enid.

Del and Viv attend an obeah reading with Enid.

Correct Answer:Scene Two,Del leaves the family home after a fight with Enid.

Del leaves the family home after a fight with Enid.

Correct Answer:Scene Four,Enid gives Viv money for university; Viv isn't excited by university.

Enid gives Viv money for university; Viv isn't excited by university.

Correct Answer:Scene Five,Del is angry with Viv for skipping an A Level exam.

Del is angry with Viv for skipping an A Level exam.

Correct Answer:Scene Seven,Del learns that her father used to abuse her mother.

Del learns that her father used to abuse her mother.

Correct Answer:Scene Eight,Del becomes an obeah woman; Viv goes to university.

Del becomes an obeah woman; Viv goes to university.

In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Viv expresses frustration that she spends "my life bent over books that have nothing to do with ..."
Correct Answer: me, Me, "me", Me., me.
In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Mai reads Del's palm and gives an insight into her experiences with formal education. Mai says, "The teachers say you , so you give up."
Correct Answer: slow, Slow, Slow., slow., "slow"
In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Mai reads Del's palm and gives an insight into her experiences with formal education. Mai says, "You have a for books."
Correct Answer: liking, Liking, Liking., liking., "liking"

6 Questions

In 'Leave Taking', why is the character of Viv keen to take a gap year?
She wants to spend time with Del and the baby.
She needs to retake her A Levels because she skipped an exam.
She doesn't have enough money to go yet.
Correct answer: She wants to explore her cultural identity by visiting the West Indies.
She wants to explore the world of work, like Del has.
Match these keywords which help explore 'Leave Taking' to their definitions.
Correct Answer:formal education,learning that occurs in institutions

learning that occurs in institutions

Correct Answer:informal education,the learning that occurs outside formal settings

the learning that occurs outside formal settings

Correct Answer:formative,an experience that has a profound and lasting influence

an experience that has a profound and lasting influence

A experience is one that has a deep and lasting influence on a person.
Correct Answer: formative, formative., Formative., "formative", Formative
In 'Leave Taking', in what ways might we say Mai's influence on Del is formative?
She urges Del to return to formal education.
She gives Del money so that she can form a life for herself without Enid.
Correct answer: She develops Del's interest and skills in obeah.
She tells Del about her mother's experience of domestic abuse.
Correct answer: She helps her understand an aspect of her cultural identity.
In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', why is Del is angry with Viv for skipping one of her A Level exams?
She was relying on Viv to support by getting a good job after her exams.
She wants Viv to go to university so she can move back in with Enid.
Correct answer: She understands the power of education to alter your life.
She knows Viv will do well in the exams because she has done an obeah reading.
Correct answer: She thinks Viv has been short-sighted about how this will impact her life.
In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Viv expresses frustration with her school curriculum. She says, "no matter how hard I for myself in them books, I'm never there."
Correct Answer: search, Search, "search", Search., search.