Year 10

Planning and writing website content

I can successfully plan and write copy for a website.

Year 10

Planning and writing website content

I can successfully plan and write copy for a website.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Planning is an important part of the writing process.
  2. Single paragraph outlines should include hooks, topic sentences, supporting detail and concluding statements.
  3. Textual detail should be in note form; this should outline your main ideas and include rhetorical devices.
  4. When writing copy for a website, organisational devices such as subheadings and bullet points can be included.
  5. Using a range of rhetorical devices can effectively engage and inform your reader.

Common misconception

Websites don't need to be engaging if they only provide information.

What is the purpose of a website? If you want people to read the information, how are you going to engage your reader?


  • Navigate - to navigate is to find your way and direct a route either physically or metaphorically

  • Safeguarding - if you are safeguarding something, you are taking measures to ensure the safety and protection of that thing

  • Autonomy - having autonomy means you have the freedom and independence to make your own decisions

  • Vital - if something is vital, it is absolutely essential or critically important

This lesson can be easily adapted for a range of different forms, for example leaflets.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

If a website is providing information and facts, what could be considered its primary purpose?
Correct answer: inform
Which of these features would you not expect to find on an informative website?
bullet points
Correct answer: description of characters
What is the purpose, form and audience of this task: "Young people are underestimated in society." Write a speech for a school assembly in which you persuade your listeners to be a force for change.
Correct answer: persuade, speech and students
entertain, letter and MPs
inform, leaflet and general public
advise, article and newspaper
Match the devices to the examples.
Correct Answer:statistics,37% of people surveyed said that this is true.

37% of people surveyed said that this is true.

Correct Answer:rhetorical question,We need to ask when is this going to end?

We need to ask when is this going to end?

Correct Answer:simile,Like a terrible song, the debate gets stuck in my head.

Like a terrible song, the debate gets stuck in my head.

Correct Answer:declarative sentence,War has to end.

War has to end.

Correct Answer:repetition,Peace is important. Peace is necessary.

Peace is important. Peace is necessary.

Correct Answer:direct address,You need to act now.

You need to act now.

What structural device is being used in this extract: "Peace will reign in the streets of London. Peace will reign across Europe. Peace will reign across the world."
Correct Answer: Anaphora
Which devices has this opening hook used: "The war on social media continues. You may think you are safe from the debate, but you are wrong. When will it end?"
Correct answer: declarative sentence
Correct answer: direct address
Correct answer: rhetorical question

6 Questions

What word beginning with 'N' means to find your way and direct a route either physically or metaphorically?
Correct Answer: Navigate, navigation
What word beginning with 'V' means to be absolutely essential or critically important?
Correct Answer: vital
What information should you pick out from a task before beginning it?
figurative language
Correct answer: purpose
Correct answer: form
Correct answer: audience
Which would you not find in a single paragraph outline?
concluding statement
Correct answer: task title
supporting detail
topic sentence
In a single paragraph outline, the supporting detail should ...
be written in full sentences.
Correct answer: be in note form.
Correct answer: outline main ideas and information.
Correct answer: include some rhetorical devices.
Which of these could you include when writing copy for a website?
Correct answer: a hook and topic sentence
Correct answer: organisational features such as bullet points and headings
character description
Correct answer: rhetorical devices
Correct answer: an effective concluding statement