Year 11

Writing a compelling account

I can plan and write a compelling account about a place that I have explored.

Year 11

Writing a compelling account

I can plan and write a compelling account about a place that I have explored.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Any topic can be interesting if the account is well written.
  2. Compelling writing is irresistible often because of its emotional power or theme.
  3. Examples of wordplay are assonance and alliteration and inverted syntax.
  4. A good plan has an overall structure and details about tone, ideas and feelings.

Common misconception

Students often think that they need exciting experiences to write in a compelling manner.

Stress how the quality of writing is more important than the topic being written about.


  • Compelling - having a powerful or irresistible draw

  • Mundane - lacking excitement, everyday, dull

  • Memorable - worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual

  • Reflective - thoughtful and deliberate

  • Assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds in the middle of nearby words

You can listen to readings of 'Holiday Memory'. They really bring out the euphony and rhythm of the writing.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of an extract from ‘Holiday Memory’ by Dylan Thomas (1946). It's available in the additional materials.


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6 Questions

If you are asked to write an account of something, what are you being asked to do?
summarise a story including all the main details
Correct answer: provide a detailed description or report of an experience
analyse a poem, play or novel reflecting on its language form and structure
create a fictional narrative with a strong moral message
Which of the following is the best synonym for 'to explore'?
Correct answer: to investigate
to restrain
to conclude
Which of the following is the best description of writer's block?
Correct answer: a condition when a writer is unable to undertake creative work
the process of organising ideas around a piece of writing
the art of editing and revising a piece of writing
Match the experiences on the left with their descriptions on the right.
Correct Answer:day trips,a one off trip to a specific attraction or place

a one off trip to a specific attraction or place

Correct Answer:adventure,an exciting and daring experience

an exciting and daring experience

Correct Answer:holiday ,a period of leisure or recreation

a period of leisure or recreation

Correct Answer:expedition,an organised journey undertaken for specific purposes such as research

an organised journey undertaken for specific purposes such as research

Which of the following is the best synonym for theme?
Correct answer: message
How would you define 'contrast' in writing?
the use of descriptive language to paint vivid imagery
the exploration of different perspectives or viewpoints
Correct answer: the juxtaposition of opposing elements or ideas
the development of a central theme or message through storytelling

6 Questions

Match the following words with the correct synonyms.
Correct Answer:compelling,engaging


Correct Answer:mundane,routine


Correct Answer:memorable,unforgettable


Correct Answer:reflective,thoughtful


Correct Answer:resonance,echo


If you had too many ideas to choose from when planning an account, which of the following strategies would be helpful?
decide on the message you would like to put across
Correct answer: reduce the options by asking which idea had the most lasting influence on you
decide on where you would like to build your account
decide on an extended metaphor to link all your ideas together
'Holiday Memory' by Dylan Thomas was written as a ...
Correct Answer: radio broadcast, radio, broadcast, broad cast
What is the best definition of 'in medias res'?
Correct answer: in the middle of things
beginning, middle and end
the juxtaposition of images
imaginative writing
The repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words in a sentence or phrase is called ...
Correct Answer: assonance
Match the qualities of compelling writing with their definitions.
Correct Answer:emotional resonance,writing that creates a strong connection between reader and text

writing that creates a strong connection between reader and text

Correct Answer:imaginative details,vivid and creative descriptions

vivid and creative descriptions

Correct Answer:strong clear structure ,a well organised and coherent framework for a text

a well organised and coherent framework for a text

Correct Answer:meaningful themes,central ideas or messages that add depth to your writing

central ideas or messages that add depth to your writing

Correct Answer:pleasure in the use of words,inventive language, word play and rhythmic prose

inventive language, word play and rhythmic prose

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