Exploring the Eduqas poetry anthology
I can explore the key themes and connections between the poems in the Eduqas poetry anthology.
Exploring the Eduqas poetry anthology
I can explore the key themes and connections between the poems in the Eduqas poetry anthology.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- An anthology is a collection of artistic works that have a similar form or subject.
- Reading poetry from multiple centuries helps us understand how the world we know today has been shaped by our history.
- Exploring titles and quotations from poems can help you see potential connections between them.
- Our personal response to a poem is important.
Anthology - a collection of artistic works that have a similar form or subject
Connection - something that joins or connects two or more things
Theme - a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature
Response - our reaction to something
Common misconception
Students sometimes think there is a 'right' answer when it comes to poetry - that the poem has to have one meaning.
The beauty of poetry is that it means something different to everybody - there is no 'right' answer - there are a series of possible answers.
You will need access to a copy of the Eduqas poetry anthology for this lesson.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
- Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
Adult supervision recommended