Year 11

Reviewing a comparative response to unseen poetry

I can reflect on and rewrite an extended comparative response.

Year 11

Reviewing a comparative response to unseen poetry

I can reflect on and rewrite an extended comparative response.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Reflecting on your work is an important part of understanding what went well and what you could improve on.
  2. Rewriting your work is a chance to improve it based on your reflections.
  3. When writing comparatively, you want to explore the similarities and differences in how the poets create meaning.
  4. When considering a personal response, you may ask yourself what questions the poems cause you to ask.

Common misconception

That you can only analyse what techniques a poet chooses to use.

Sometimes it's very powerful to analyse why a poet may have chosen not to use a technique in contrast to one who did choose to use it.


  • Transience - the state or fact of lasting only for a short time

  • Reflecting - thinking deeply or carefully about

  • Clarity - the quality of being clear and easy to understand

  • Rewriting - the act of writing a text again, in order to improve it or change it

  • Effective - successful in producing a desired or intended result

It would be helpful for the students to share their responses to Task A to help them understand what makes an effective comparative response.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

To 'think deeply or carefully about' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: reflecting, reflect
'The act of writing a text again, in order to improve it or change it' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: rewriting, re writing, re-writing
Why is reflecting on your writing an important process?
It allows you to see what's wrong with your work.
It allows you to see what you did well in your work.
Correct answer: It allows you to see what went well and what you could improve.
Which of the following words from Laskey's 'Nobody' suggest a sense of transience?
Correct answer: "snow"
'The quality of being clear and easy to understand' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: clarity
Which of the following words from Robertson's 'Donegal' suggests a sense of transience?
Correct answer: "beach"

6 Questions

'Successful in producing a desired or intended result' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: effective
What could be the EBI for this comparatove introduction: 'Both Laskey's 'Nobody' and Robertson's 'Donegal' consider ideas of transience.'?
It doesn't include an analysis of supporting details.
Correct answer: It doesn't offer a subtle difference between the poems.
Correct answer: It doesn't offer a clear sense of argument.
'The state or fact of lasting only for a short time' is the definition of...
Correct Answer: transience
Arguably, what is Laskey's 'Nobody' saying about transience?
Correct answer: That life is fleeting and we should make the most of it.
That our relationships are constantly in flux.
That life is permanent and stable.
Arguably, what is Robertson's 'Donegal' saying about transience?
That life is fleeting and we should make the most of it.
Correct answer: That our relationships are constantly in flux.
That life is permanent and stable.
Why might Robertson not choose to use caesuras in 'Donegal'?
Correct answer: He may want to reflect the passing of time.
He may want to offer the reader a moment to pause.
He may want to show a change in perspective.

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