Year 11

Structural analysis of unseen poetry

I can explore the impact of structural choices within unseen poetry.

Year 11

Structural analysis of unseen poetry

I can explore the impact of structural choices within unseen poetry.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The structure of a poem affects our journey, as the reader, through the poem.
  2. The structure gives us our first and last impression of the poem and therefore affects the tone.
  3. You can make inferences based on the length of the stanza or the length of each line in a poem.
  4. Enjambment and caesuras affect the pace of the poem.
  5. A break in the rhyme scheme can affect the meaning of the poem.

Common misconception

That structural choices happen accidentally.

Structural choices are consciously made by the poet in order to influence the meaning of the poem.


  • Conceptualise - form a concept or idea of (something)

  • Fragment - a small part broken off or separated from something

  • Merge - combine or cause to combine to form a single entity

  • Fracture - break or cause to break

It may be useful for the students to compare their notes on which structural choices they would make for a poem about love in Learning Cycle 1 to help them see how we might interpret it differently.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
  • Depiction or discussion of mental health issues


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

An analysis of structure might include an analysis of ...
Correct answer: the number of stanzas.
Correct answer: the length of the lines.
the use of personification.
the use of onomatopoeia.
'The continuation of a sentence beyond the end of a line, stanza or couplet' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: enjambment
The of a poem expresses the writer's attitude toward or feelings about the subject matter and audience.
Correct answer: tone
'A pause or a break in a line of verse, often marked by punctuation' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: caesura
To form a concept or idea of (something) is to it.
Correct Answer: conceptualise
A break in the rhyme scheme of a poem might indicate ...
a return to order and control.
Correct answer: the beginning of chaos.
Correct answer: a change in the speaker.

6 Questions

'A small part broken off or separated from something' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: fragment
'Combine or cause to combine to form a single entity' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: merge
Match the structural technique with the possible interpretation.
Correct Answer:enjambment,sense of continuation or progression

sense of continuation or progression

Correct Answer:caesura,moment for reflection

moment for reflection

Correct Answer:half-rhyme,break in the pattern

break in the pattern

'Break or cause to break' is the definition of ...
Correct Answer: fracture
Freeman's choice to open with "thy" and "mine" in 'Nearness' could indicate ...
the selfishness of the speaker.
Correct answer: the separation of the individuals.
the unity of the individuals.
Which of the following statements is true of the structure of Freeman's 'Nearness'?
There are two stanzas of equal length.
There is one stanza.
Correct answer: There are three stanzas of equal length.

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