Talk about what others do: -er verbs 3rd persons singular and plural
I can understand and form sentences using a range of -er verbs to talk and write about what others do.
Talk about what others do: -er verbs 3rd persons singular and plural
I can understand and form sentences using a range of -er verbs to talk and write about what others do.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Vocabulary and transcripts for this lessons
Key learning points
- For 'she, he' + verb in French, the verb ends in -e, 'nous' + verb the ending is -ons and for 'ils, elles' it's -ent.
- The 'she, he' form of the verb is called the 3rd person singular, the 'they' form is the 3rd person plural.
- We can use a name or a noun in the place of a pronoun before the verb e.g. 'le garçon' or 'David' instead of 'il'.
- It is difficult to distinguish between the 'il, elle' and the 'ils, elles' verb forms because they sound the same.
- If a singular/plural noun is used before the 3rd person singular/plural, the article helps us to identify the verb form.
3rd person singular - the 'she, he' form of the verb
3rd person plural - the 'they' form of the verb
Common misconception
I still need to use the subject pronoun even if I am using a name or a noun before the verb form.
A noun or name can replace a subject pronoun. So 'ils chantent ensemble' could be changed to 'les garçons chantent ensemble' or 'David, Robert et Jacques chantent ensemble'.
Lesson video
Some of our videos, including non-English language videos, do not have captions.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
to find, finding
to watch, watching
to play, playing
to stay, staying
to spend, spending (time)
to study, studying
He listens to the radio.
We listen to the radio.
They listen to the radio.
She wears a uniform.
We wear a uniform.
They wear a uniform.
regarde la télé
étudie l'histoire
préparons le déjeuner
jouent dehors.
Exit quiz
6 Questions
Il joue au foot.
Elle travaille dehors.
Nous écoutons la professeure.
écouter la radio
travailler à la maison
regarder la télé.
Amir et Léa
Léa et Sophie
joue à la maison.
marchent avec les filles.
prépare le déjeuner.
étudient l'histoire.