What you do with others: -er verbs 1st persons singular and plural
Learning outcomes
I can use 'je' and 'nous' with a range of -er verbs to say what I do with others.
I can recall that most consonants at the end of French words are silent, as well as the letter e.
What you do with others: -er verbs 1st persons singular and plural
Learning outcomes
I can use 'je' and 'nous' with a range of -er verbs to say what I do with others.
I can recall that most consonants at the end of French words are silent, as well as the letter e.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Vocabulary and transcripts for this lessons
Key learning points
- The final consonant of a word is often silent in French, called the silent final consonant (SFC).
- The -e at the end of words is also silent, called the silent final e (SFe).
- To say 'I' + -er verb in French, the verb ending is -e; we call this the 1st person singular of the verb.
- To say 'we' + -er verb, the verb ending is -ons; we call this the 1st person plural.
- The verb 'manger' (to eat, eating) behaves differently in the 'nous' form; it keeps the 'e' before the -ons.
Silent final consonant - Silent consonant (d, s, t, x) at the end of a word
Silent final e - Silent e at the end of a word
Nous - The subject pronoun for 'we' in French
Common misconception
All verbs in the 'nous' form end in -ons.
Some verbs like 'manger' behave a little differently. The 'nous' form of 'manger' is 'mangeons' so that the g sound remains soft.
To help you plan your year 7 french lesson on: What you do with others: -er verbs 1st persons singular and plural, download all teaching resources for free and adapt to suit your pupils' needs...
To help you plan your year 7 french lesson on: What you do with others: -er verbs 1st persons singular and plural, download all teaching resources for free and adapt to suit your pupils' needs.
The starter quiz will activate and check your pupils' prior knowledge, with versions available both with and without answers in PDF format.
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The assessment exit quiz will test your pupils' understanding of the key learning points.
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Explore more key stage 3 french lessons from the Activities: plural verbs in the present tense unit, dive into the full secondary french curriculum, or learn more about lesson planning.
Lesson video
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Starter quiz
6 Questions
to listen to music.
speaking English.
writing in French.
wearing a uniform.
Exit quiz
6 Questions
to watch, watching
to prepare, preparing
to walk, walking
to work, working
to eat, eating
I like the dog.
We prepare lunch.
We speak French.
I walk outside.
We watch the TV.