Les musées français : Indirect object pronouns me and te
Learning outcomes
I can confidently use indirect object pronouns 'me' and 'te' in dialogue about French museums
I can recognise and pronounce [gn], [th], [j] and [r]
Les musées français : Indirect object pronouns me and te
Learning outcomes
I can confidently use indirect object pronouns 'me' and 'te' in dialogue about French museums
I can recognise and pronounce [gn], [th], [j] and [r]
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Vocabulary and transcripts for this lessons
Key learning points
- Use me and te when 'me' or 'you' is indirectly receiving the action of the verb: elle me donne un cadeau (gives to me).
- Me and te are used frequently in dialogue between two people.
- [gn] is pronounced like 'ligne', [th] like 'thé', j like [jour] and [r] like 'rue'.
- When transcribing, use your knowledge of French sounds to carefully write down what you hear. Check spelling carefully.
Indirect object pronoun - replaces the person, people or thing(s) that the verb action is done to, when the action is to me, for you, to them
Me, (m’) - me, to me
Te, (t’) - you, to you
Common misconception
In France, the famous painting is called Mona Lisa, just like in English.
The French have their own name for the Mona Lisa, 'la Joconde', taken from the name of the lady in the painting - la Gioconda in Italian.
To help you plan your year 10 french lesson on: Les musées français : Indirect object pronouns me and te, download all teaching resources for free and adapt to suit your pupils' needs...
To help you plan your year 10 french lesson on: Les musées français : Indirect object pronouns me and te, download all teaching resources for free and adapt to suit your pupils' needs.
The starter quiz will activate and check your pupils' prior knowledge, with versions available both with and without answers in PDF format.
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The assessment exit quiz will test your pupils' understanding of the key learning points.
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Explore more key stage 4 french lessons from the People and lifestyle: visites et rendez-vous unit, dive into the full secondary french curriculum, or learn more about lesson planning.
Lesson video
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Starter quiz
6 Questions
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Exit quiz
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