Key stage 1
Units (17)
Geography units
Brand-new teaching resources, thoughtfully crafted by teachers for classroom needs.
Local area: where do we go to school?
Year 1
6 lessons2
Local area: where do we live?
Year 1
6 lessons3
Continents and oceans: what can we find out about the world?
Year 1
6 lessons4
Seasons: how does the weather change through the year?
Year 1
7 lessons5
Local area: how do we read maps and plan routes?
Year 1
6 lessons6
Local to global: how can we identify special places?
Year 1
4 lessons7
The UK: what kind of place is it?
Year 2
6 lessons- 8
Life in a capital city: London/Cardiff
8Life in a capital city: London/Cardiff
Year 2Life in a capital city: London/Cardiff
Year 2 9
Cold places: what is it like at the North and South Poles?
Year 2
8 lessons10
Hot places: where are they and what are they like?
Year 2
4 lessons11
Local area: why is (our place) special?
Year 2
6 lessons- 12
Contrasting locality: what is it like to live in Jamaica/Tanzania?
12Contrasting locality: what is it like to live in Jamaica/Tanzania?
Year 2Contrasting locality: what is it like to live in Jamaica/Tanzania?
Year 2
Units released in 2020-22
Resources made during the pandemic to support remote teaching.