Year 3

Adaptations of plants and animals in different biomes

I can understand how plants and animals have adapted to live in different biomes.

Year 3

Adaptations of plants and animals in different biomes

I can understand how plants and animals have adapted to live in different biomes.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Animals and plants adapt to their environments.
  2. Animals and plants within a biome are interdependent.
  3. If a single plant or animal is removed from a biome, this will affect other plants and animals within the biome.

Common misconception

That animals can only exist within the biomes they are native to.

Animals do thrive best in their natural habitats, however in countries all around the world there are zoos and animal centres that recreate natural conditions to allow animals to live and survive in a different biome or climate zone.


  • Biome - A biome is a large region of the world with places that have similar climates, vegetation and animals that have adapted to living there.

  • Adapt - Adapt means to make changes to suit different conditions.

  • Interdependent - Interdependent means two or more things depend on or rely on each other.

  • Environment - An environment is all the living things in an area, such as plants and animals, and the non-living things around them, such as air, water and soil.

Put pupils into small groups and allocate each group one biome to research and investigate. Ask each group to give a presentation or report about what they discover about plant and animal adaptations in their biome to the class.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is the name of a large region of the world with places that have similar plants and animals that have adapted to living there?
1 - B
2 - I
3 - O
4 - M
5 - E
What makes changes to adapt to the place they live in?
weather and climate
Correct answer: plants and animals
mountains and plants
rivers and animals
Interdependent means that two or more things ...
are separate from each other.
are different from each other.
are the same as each other.
Correct answer: depend or rely on each other.
Match the words with the correct definitions.
Correct Answer:biomes,large places that have similar climate, plants and animals

large places that have similar climate, plants and animals

Correct Answer:climate,the average weather taken over a long period of time, about 30 years

the average weather taken over a long period of time, about 30 years

Correct Answer:environment,all the living and non-living things in an area

all the living and non-living things in an area

The savannah biome separates areas of desert from the ...
Correct Answer: tropical rainforest , equatorial rainforest
Savannah biomes ...
An image in a quiz
have a hot, wet climate
Correct answer: are home to animals such as giraffes and elephants in Africa
Correct answer: have tall grasses and scattered bushes
are found in polar regions

6 Questions

Tropical rainforests ...
Correct answer: have layers of vegetation with many different plants in each layer
have long periods when there is little rain
Correct answer: are hot and wet all year round
Correct answer: have huge trees with buttress roots to support them
This picture shows a leaf with a drip tip to help it shed water. This plant ...
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: has adapted to live in the tropical rainforest climate
has buttress roots to support it
lives in the savannah biome
collects water in its leaves
Sloths have adapted to live in the tropical rainforest. They ...
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: have long limbs for swinging on trees
Correct answer: have curved claws to grab branches
thick fur to keep them warm
Correct answer: live high in the trees in the rainforest
Savannah biomes are usually closest to ...
the Equator
Correct answer: the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
Arctic and Antarctic circles
Animals such as elephants, giraffes and rhinos have to live in the savannah.
Correct Answer: adapted, adapt
How have plants and animals adapted to living in the savannah? Match the plant or animal with the correct answer.
Correct Answer:Most grass species,grow very quickly when it rains

grow very quickly when it rains

Correct Answer:Elephants flap their large ears,to keep them cool in the savannah

to keep them cool in the savannah

Correct Answer:Baobab trees,store water in their thick wide trunks

store water in their thick wide trunks

Correct Answer:Rhinos have wide jaws,to eats much grass as possible

to eats much grass as possible