Year 3

Climate change

You can recognise that sudden changes in climate have an effect on living things.

Year 3

Climate change

You can recognise that sudden changes in climate have an effect on living things.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Climate is changing due to human activity releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing a climate crisis.
  2. Climate crisis means the world’s climate is changing faster than plants and animals (including humans) can adapt to.
  3. Increased temperatures and changes to rainfall patterns threaten the food and freshwater supply for living things.

Common misconception

That greenhouse gases come from greenhouses or are caused by greenhouses. This often happens when pupils don't know what a greenhouse is or how it is used.

Explain what a greenhouse is, where we can find them and how they work. Greenhouses provide artificially warmer conditions to make plants grow quicker and healthier. The are often made from glass, which traps heat from the sun inside the greenhouse.


  • Greenhouse gases - Greenhouse gases are gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat.

  • Climate change - Climate change is a large-scale and long-term change in the planet’s climate, including weather patterns and average temperatures.

  • Drought - Drought is when there is a long time without enough rain and can cause a water shortage.

  • Heatwave - A heatwave is a period of time in which the weather is a lot hotter than usual.

Small model greenhouses can be made either form kits or from recyclable waste materials like plastic clear containers. Plant seeds inside the model greenhouse and then leave them in a bright sunny space like a windowsill to demonstrate how they work to trap heat and help the plants to grow.
Teacher tip


Possible use of recyclable waste materials to make a model greenhouse.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Greenhouse gases are gases in Earth's atmosphere that trap...
Correct Answer: heat
What is a heatwave?
Something that only happens in the summer.
Correct answer: A period of time when the weather is a lot hotter than usual.
A way of heating buildings.
Drought is when...
Correct answer: there is a long period without enough rain.
Correct answer: there can be water shortages.
there is too much water
water pipes break
Climate change means that...
Correct answer: the world is getting warmer
the world is cooling
Correct answer: weather patterns are changing
some countries are getting hotter
Match these terms with the correct definition.
Correct Answer:weather,the day to day conditions outside, e.g. sunny, snowing, warm.

the day to day conditions outside, e.g. sunny, snowing, warm.

Correct Answer:temperature,how hot or cold a place is.

how hot or cold a place is.

Correct Answer:climate,average weather conditions taken over a long time, usually 30 years.

average weather conditions taken over a long time, usually 30 years.

How can we show climate information for each month in a location?
We collect rainfall data
We collect temperature data
Correct answer: We show rainfall and temperature data on a climate graph
We record the weather

6 Questions

What is the name of the planet that we live on?
1 - E
2 - A
3 - R
4 - T
5 - H
Greenhouse gases from human activity trap heat in the atmosphere and cause the Earth to heat up. This is known as...
Global cooling
Correct answer: Global warming
A heatwave
A drought
Global warming has an impact on temperature and rainfall patterns around the world. This is contributing to...
Correct Answer: climate change, climate crisis
Match these statements about temperatures rising because of climate change.
Correct Answer:Ice melts at the poles,Polar animals lose their habitat

Polar animals lose their habitat

Correct Answer:Temperatures increase in summer,Places with mild climates, like the UK, have more heatwaves

Places with mild climates, like the UK, have more heatwaves

Correct Answer:A long time with no rain,More places experience drought

More places experience drought

Correct Answer:Very dry landscapes,Are at a greater risk of having wild fires

Are at a greater risk of having wild fires

Climate change means that plants and animals in some places have to to survive in the changing conditions.
Correct Answer: adapt
We can take action and change how we behave to make a difference and help reduce climate change. We can...
Correct answer: walk more and drive less
Correct answer: switch off lights at home
Correct answer: re-use and recycle instead of throwing things away
use water by taking more baths