Year 3

Climate data and patterns

I can read information from climate graphs and identify patterns in data

Year 3

Climate data and patterns

I can read information from climate graphs and identify patterns in data

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Climate data can be presented in graphs in different ways.
  2. Climate graphs usually show rainfall and temperature over a period of time, often as monthly figures over a year.
  3. The climate in different climate zones has distinct patterns of rainfall and temperature throughout a year.
  4. Climate has an impact on where and how people live.

Common misconception

In early work with graphs and charts, pupils can easily mix up the axes and try to put the values in the wrong places on graphs like climate graphs.

On graphs that show change over time, like climate graphs, the horizontal axis shows time (months of the year on a climate graph). The vertical axes are for numerical values representing measurements (rainfall and temperature on a climate graph).


  • Climate graph - A climate graph shows the amount of precipitation and the temperature each month for a location.

  • Data - Data is a collection of information that can be analysed to help us answer a question.

  • Horizontal axis - The horizontal axis is the line of figures or data along the bottom of a graph.

  • Vertical axis - The vertical axis is a line of figures or data that is at the side of a graph.

It can be helpful to teach climate graphs in tandem with work on data learning objectives in Mathematics. This can help pupils to develop cross curricular skills and see how their Maths knowledge can be useful in different places in different ways.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these weather conditions is wet?
Correct answer: rainfall
What name is given to the lines on maps that run horizontally around Earth?
lines of altitude
lines of longitude
Correct answer: lines of latitude
lines of attitude
Match the words to the definitions.
Correct Answer:climate zones,have similar weather conditions and climate, e.g. the Tropics

have similar weather conditions and climate, e.g. the Tropics

Correct Answer:weather,is the day to day condition of the atmosphere, e.g. sunny, wet, etc

is the day to day condition of the atmosphere, e.g. sunny, wet, etc

Correct Answer:temperature,is the degree of hotness or coldness of a place

is the degree of hotness or coldness of a place

Which line of latitude is closest to the equatorial climate zone?
Correct answer: equator
Arctic Circle
Tropic of Capricorn
Complete the sentence. There are two lines of latitude called tropics: the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of ...
Correct Answer: Cancer
Complete the sentence. Climate zones are places with similar regular conditions.
Correct Answer: weather

6 Questions

What are the names of the axes on a graph?
across axis and up axis
left axis and right axis
tall axis and short axis
Correct answer: horizontal axis and vertical axis
Which of these are shown on a climate graph?
Correct answer: rainfall in milimetres
days of the week
Correct answer: temperature in degrees Celsius
Correct answer: months of the year
wind direction
Which of these is a climate graph?
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
How is rainfall usually shown on a climate graph?
Correct answer: as vertical bars
as a line of joined points
as crosses
as an axis
Which of these statements correctly describe the climate shown in this climate graph?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: The temperature is highest in July and August
The lowest temperature is in June
The driest month is November
Correct answer: It rains every month
Where do the Inuit people live?
Correct answer: Northern Canada
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