Year 3
Changing land use
I can explain how land use changes affects wildlife.
Year 3
Changing land use
I can explain how land use changes affects wildlife.
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Lesson details
Key learning points
- The UK has lost on average about half of its biodiversity which is much more than many other countries in the world
- Biodiversity is the variety of all living things on Earth and how they fit together in the web of life
- Biodiversity is vital for food chains
- Something as simple as unmown verges can improve wildlife habitats for bees and other insects
Average - An average is found by adding two or more numbers together and then dividing the total by the number of numbers added together.
Variety - Variety is where the collection of things are different from one another.
Food chain - A food chain shows how a group of living things are linked by what they eat.
Diverse - Diverse means different from each other.
Common misconception
Biodiversity loss is not about losing half of the UK's plants and animals, but half the variety.
A loss of variety could be demonstrated to children using coloured cubes. Rather than taking half of each colour, remove whole colour sets.
If you write letters to a local councillor they may come in to talk to the class about how they can improve local biodiversity.
Teacher tip
This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).
Starter quiz
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6 Questions
More than half of the land in the UK is used for ...
Match the type of line of an Ordnance Survey map with their definition.
are called northings
are called eastings
Which 4 digit grid reference tells you the location of the golf course symbol?

Which grid square is Holywell Pond Nature Reserve in?

What is the main land use in grid square 3374?

artificial surfaces
Which of these grid squares does not have a nature reserve in them?

Q3 © Crown copyright & database right Ordnance Survey licence no. 100067257, 2023 Q4 © Crown copyright & database right Ordnance Survey licence no. 100067257, 2023 Q5 © Crown copyright & database right Ordnance Survey licence no. 100067257, 2023 Q6 © Crown copyright & database right Ordnance Survey licence no. 100067257, 2023
Exit quiz
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6 Questions
can be described as the variety of life on Earth?
Why is biodiversity so important?
It makes the landscape look more attractive.
Order this food chain correctly.
Why might a plant like a nettle be removed from a food chain?
They are not needed in the food chain.
How much of its original biodiversity has the UK lost?
one quarter
Which of the following would help to protect biodiversity in the UK?
keeping grass cut short