Year 5

Planning tree planting in the local area

I can consider evidence from fieldwork and other sources to find a suitable location to plant trees in the local area.

Year 5

Planning tree planting in the local area

I can consider evidence from fieldwork and other sources to find a suitable location to plant trees in the local area.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Tools such as questionnaires, interviews and surveys can be used to collect data about tree planting sites.
  2. Maps and grid references can be used to identify and locate areas that may be suitable for tree planting.
  3. Scoring different options helps us to make a decision on where to plant trees.

Common misconception

A potential tree planting site needs to meet all of the survey requirements.

The most suitable location will be the site which has the most points. It would be ideal to score full points on the survey but trees could still be planted if some requirements weren't met.


  • Grid references - A grid reference is a way of locating a point on a map using numbered squares

  • Survey - A survey is a way of collecting information by asking a set of questions

  • Risk assessment - A risk assessment looks at what hazards we might come across and how to keep us safe

It would be great to allow the children to actually plant some trees at the end of this lesson. Trees can be ordered for free from the Woodland Trust.
Teacher tip


Map of the local area (could use maps from lesson 1 in this unit) and clipboards.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - physical activity


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Where are tropical rainforests located?
above the Tropic of Cancer
Correct answer: between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
below the Tropic of Capricorn
Nearly all of the deforestation happening today occurs in...
boreal forests
temperat deciduous forests
Correct answer: tropical rainforests
What is the largest tropical rainforest in the world?
Correct Answer: Amazon, the Amazon, the Amazon rainforest
Who has been responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest?
Correct answer: cattle ranchers
Correct answer: loggers
indigenous people
Correct answer: miners
The Awá rely on the Amazon rainforest for:
Correct answer: shelter
Correct answer: food
Correct answer: resources
Correct answer: medicine
Which statement is true?
Most deforestation in the Amazon is happening on indigenous peoples’ land.
Correct answer: Indigenous people prevent deforestation because they need the Amazon to survive.
Correct answer: Indigenous communities are helping to protect the Amazon rainforest.

6 Questions

Match the keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:grid reference, a way of locating a point on a map using numbered squares

a way of locating a point on a map using numbered squares

Correct Answer:survey, a way of collecting information by asking a set of questions

a way of collecting information by asking a set of questions

Correct Answer:risk assessment,looks at what hazards we might come across and how to keep us safe

looks at what hazards we might come across and how to keep us safe

The amount of woodland has __________ globally and in the UK over the last hundred years
stayed the same
Correct answer: decreased
Which features should be avoided when planting trees?
Correct answer: underground pipes
Correct answer: electricity cables
open ground
Correct answer: walls
Maps and __________ can be used to identify and locate areas that may be suitable for tree planting.
Correct answer: grid references
If there were more trees in the UK it would greatly biodiversity and help to combat climate change.
Correct Answer: improve, increase, support
Which of these statements are true?
there is nothing we can do as individuals to resolve the issue of climate change
Correct answer: planting trees can help combat climate change and reduce biodiversity loss
we have to wait for others to plant forests to help fight climate change