Year 4

Active fieldwork

I can gather data and record it accurately through fieldwork.

Year 4

Active fieldwork

I can gather data and record it accurately through fieldwork.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Some data, like the location of local services, can remain the same for a period of time.
  2. Some data, like traffic counts or temperature varies from hour to hour.
  3. Geographers use maps in the field to know exactly where they are and to locate specific features.
  4. Geographers note the time, location and conditions, such as weather, of a fieldwork enquiry.

Common misconception

Children might think these results will be permanent.

If time allowed you could repeat the fieldwork on a different day, or send groups out a different times then compare the results.


  • Evidence - Evidence is a fact or piece of information that helps to prove that something is or is not true.

  • Data - Data is a collection of facts or figures that can be analysed to provide information.

  • Services - A service is a system that supplies a public need, for example waste collection.

  • Varies - If something in a particular category or group varies it is different in some way to the other things in that category or group.

To help children navigate around their fieldwork routes, you could take a compass and demonstrate how to help them find their bearings.
Teacher tip


A map of your local area, a clipboard, something to write or stickers and a camera or iPad.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - physical activity


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

You should carry out a risk assessment your fieldwork.
Correct answer: before
Match the keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:risk assessment ,looks at what hazards we might come across and how to keep us safe.

looks at what hazards we might come across and how to keep us safe.

Correct Answer:hazard,a potential danger that could affect our safety.

a potential danger that could affect our safety.

Correct Answer:accessible,something that is easy to get to, enter or use.

something that is easy to get to, enter or use.

Which of these might make a route inaccessible?
Correct answer: steep hills
Correct answer: uneven ground
Correct answer: steps
Order the stages of an enquiry starting with the first step.
1 - identify an idea or issue
2 - create enquiry question
3 - plan which data to collect
4 - risk assessment
Match the hazard to the action we could take to reduce risk.
Correct Answer:traffic,stay away from the kerb and use proper crossings with an adult

stay away from the kerb and use proper crossings with an adult

Correct Answer:getting lost ,stay with adult/group and wear a fluorescent jacket, if you have one

stay with adult/group and wear a fluorescent jacket, if you have one

Correct Answer:slipping or tripping,think about the weather and do not run

think about the weather and do not run

Staying safe is the responsibility of ...
the individual.
the fieldwork leader.
Correct answer: the individual and the fieldwork leader.

6 Questions

is a fact or piece of information that helps to prove that something is or is not true.
Correct Answer: evidence
is a collection of information that can be analysed to help us answer a question.
Correct answer: data
What is a service?
Correct answer: a system that supplies a public need, for example waste collection
a method of data collection in fieldwork
a type of enquiry question in geography.
Order the stages of an enquiry starting with the first step.
1 - identify an idea or issue
2 - create an enquiry question
3 - plan which data to collect
4 - risk assessment
5 - active fieldwork
What is litter?
a type of geographical process
a tyoe of land use
Correct answer: waste which has been left by people in the wrong place
Which information should geographers note when conducting fieldwork?
Correct answer: weather
data collection methods
Correct answer: time
Correct answer: date