Year 4

Change in a local area

I can use past and current sources of evidence to identify how I could investigate change in the locality.

Year 4

Change in a local area

I can use past and current sources of evidence to identify how I could investigate change in the locality.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Geographical enquiry develops existing geographical knowledge by examining evidence and gathering data in the field.
  2. Previous studies of the local area are sources of evidence but can date quickly.
  3. Evidence for local area change can be found in historical maps and current OS maps, which are refreshed annually.
  4. Evidence for recent change or local issues can also be found in the news, from talking to people and through fieldwork.

Common misconception

Children need to understand that evidence can become dated - especially mapping and media evidence.

You could present some media reports of an issue which has been resolved (e.g. a new road crossing).


  • Enquiry - An enquiry is an investigation of a geographical question or issue.

  • Historical maps - Historical maps show what an area was like in the past.

  • OS Maps - OS maps are the official maps of Great Britain produced by the Ordnance Survey.

  • Media - The media comprises all the ways that lots of people receive their information, including television, radio, newspapers and the internet.

If children have not previously studied their local area you may wish to spend some time introducing them to its main features. To ensure children have a selection of evidence you may want to select a range of media resources prior to the lesson.
Teacher tip


OS maps of the local area, hisotrical and current. Media reports of local area issues.


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6 Questions

Which of these are land use types?
Correct answer: residential
Correct answer: agricultural
Correct answer: commercial
What would you expect to find in an area of residential land use?
Correct Answer: houses, homes
Which of these would you expect to find in an area of commercial land use?
Correct answer: shops
What is the main type of land use across the UK?
Correct answer: agricultural
Order these settlements by size starting with the smallest.
1 - village
2 - town
3 - city
4 - megacity
Which settlement usually has the most services and facilities?
Correct answer: city

6 Questions

What is an opinion?
Correct answer: An opinion is a personal view or judgement formed about something.
An opinion is a proven fact that everyone agrees on.
An opinion is a question that a geographer tries to answer.
What does OS stand for in Geography?
Open Source
Operating System
Correct answer: Ordnance Survey
What is an enquiry?
Correct answer: An investigation into a geographical question or issue.
A question that a geographer asks without any research
A physical feature in geography.
Which type of maps show what an area was like in the past?
OS maps
Correct answer: historical maps
aerial maps
What evidence might help you to decide which enquiry issue to investigate?
Correct Answer: maps, news stories, media , fieldwork, opinions of local people
Why do geographers create enquiry questions?
because they are required to ask questions
Correct answer: to structure their fieldwork and collect relevant data
Correct answer: to guide their research and investigation
Correct answer: to focus on specific human or physical features they want to understand better