Year 3

The river's journey

I can describe changes in a river and its landforms as it flows along its course.

Year 3

The river's journey

I can describe changes in a river and its landforms as it flows along its course.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The width and depth of rivers get larger and the river gets faster as it flows from source to mouth.
  2. The rocks in the river usually get smaller as the river flows downstream.
  3. Landforms like waterfalls are usually found in the upper course of a river.
  4. Landforms like meanders and floodplains are found in the middle and lower course of a river.

Common misconception

Rivers are fast near the source and become slower as they flow downstream.

Rivers are, on average, slower in the upper course. The reason for this is due to small rivers being slowed down by friction with the bed and the banks.


  • Course - The course of a river is the path it takes from its source at the start to its mouth at the end

  • Downstream - Downstream is the direction a river flows as it moves towards the mouth

  • Tributary - A tributary is a smaller river or stream that joins a bigger river

  • Landform - A landform is a natural feature created by a process such as erosion or deposition

Aerial photographs, pictures or maps can be used to show how much wider a local river becomes as it flows downstream.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What process causes the Earth’s surface, e.g. rock or soil, being worn away and transported from its original site.
Correct answer: erosion
What is this landform?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: waterfall
Which statements describe this river?
An image in a quiz
can't erode the land
Correct answer: causes lots of erosion
lots of deposition takes place
Correct answer: transports lots of material
A meander is a bend in the river., which of these statements correctly describe the processes taking place?
Correct answer: erosion takes place on the outside of the bend
erosion takes place on the inside of the bend
Correct answer: deposition takes place on the inside of the bend
deposition takes place on the outside of the bend
Where are estuaries found?
Correct answer: mouth
on the floodplain
As a river slows down it loses energy. This means what process increases?
Correct answer: deposition

6 Questions

Which of these describe the three parts of a river's course?
Correct answer: upper course
Correct answer: middle course
top course
Correct answer: lower course
Which of these statements describe the lower course?
Correct answer: wide
slower flow
Correct answer: deep
Correct answer: fast flow
Where on the river are these landforms found?
Correct Answer:waterfall,upper course

upper course

Correct Answer:meander,middle and lower course

middle and lower course

Correct Answer:floodplain,middle and lower course

middle and lower course

What landforms can you see on this image?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: meander
Correct answer: floodplain
What happens to rocks in the river as they are eroded?
Correct answer: smaller and rounder
larger and flatter
no change at all
Can you match the river course to the correct description?
Correct Answer:upper course,narrow, shallow and slow with large rocks

narrow, shallow and slow with large rocks

Correct Answer:middle course,larger, wider and faster with smaller rocks and sediment

larger, wider and faster with smaller rocks and sediment

Correct Answer:lower course,very wide and deep with very small sediment

very wide and deep with very small sediment