Year 3

Water around the world

I can explain why water is essential for human life and I can identify some of the causes and consequences of people not being able to access water.

Year 3

Water around the world

I can explain why water is essential for human life and I can identify some of the causes and consequences of people not being able to access water.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Humans need water to stay alive: for drinking, eating, washing, growing crops, energy production, trade and more.
  2. Most settlements were built around rivers for access to fresh water and trade.
  3. People around the world do not have equal access to clean, safe water.
  4. Lack of access to clean water has consequences for people including death and disease.

Common misconception

That everyone, all around the world, can easily access clean fresh water whenever they need it.

In the UK, it is easy to take water for granted because it comes out of the tap. This isn't possible in all communities. In some places, water is very scarce. People may have to travel miles to reach water as they do not have taps in their homes.


  • Energy - Energy is the power used to make things work, for example to provide heat or light or to operate machinery.

  • Trade - Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services between people, companies and countries.

  • Disease - Disease is an illness or sickness caused by poor health, infection or harmful substances, but not by injury or accident.

  • Settlement - Settlements are places where groups of people live and work.

Many charities such as WaterAid and Oxfam work to increase access to safe clean water for people all around the world. Pupils could visit websites to investigate what such charities do, there are also ideas for ways to fundraise for them if this is possible in your setting.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of these everyday tasks uses water?
Correct answer: brushing teeth
brushing hair
Correct answer: washing dishes
watching tv
Correct answer: making a cup of tea
How many days do you think humans can survive without water for?
Correct answer: 3
Where is a gutter located on a house?
Correct answer: alongside the roof
in the bathroom
under the garden
down an outside wall
Match the words to the descriptions.
Correct Answer:gutter,an open pipe next to a roof that collects rainwater

an open pipe next to a roof that collects rainwater

Correct Answer:drain,a pipe taking wastewater from a building to the sewer

a pipe taking wastewater from a building to the sewer

Correct Answer:sewer,an underground pipe that takes wastewater away from buildings

an underground pipe that takes wastewater away from buildings

Correct Answer:stopcock,a tap that controls water entering a building

a tap that controls water entering a building

What type of water do we get from taps in our homes?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: mains water
bottled water
What do we call the water that is left after it has been used for a task like washing dishes?
Correct Answer: wastewater

6 Questions

How do humans use water?
for rain
Correct answer: for eating and drinking
in lakes
Correct answer: to water plants and grow crops
Correct answer: for transport and trade
Humans survive without water.
Correct Answer: cannot, can not, can't
Which of these is the best location to build a new settlement?
inside a forest
on a mountainside
Correct answer: near a river
in a desert
What does this map tell us about water supply around the world?
An image in a quiz
everybody has equal access to water
Correct answer: some countries do not have enough water
Correct answer: not everybody has equal access to water
all countries around the world have enough water
Poverty is a cause of lack of access to water. This is when people or countries do not have enough ....
Correct Answer: money
One of the biggest problems caused by lack of clean water is the spread of ....
Correct Answer: disease, diseases, germs