What you and others do and when: time phrases as nouns and adverbs
Learning outcomes
I can talk about what I and others do when and how often using time phrases and adverbs.
I can correctly pronounce a range of sounds to avoid misunderstandings.
What you and others do and when: time phrases as nouns and adverbs
Learning outcomes
I can talk about what I and others do when and how often using time phrases and adverbs.
I can correctly pronounce a range of sounds to avoid misunderstandings.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Vocabulary and transcripts for this lessons
Key learning points
- Accurate pronunciation of words prevents misunderstandings.
- Days of the week and times of day are nouns, e.g., 'am Montag' - 'on Monday'.
- A time phrase is a multi-word phrase, such as ‘am Montag’.
- To change a noun into an adverb, remove its capital letter and add '-s' to the end, e.g., 'dienstags' - 'on Tuesdays'.
- Use noun forms of days to talk about one-off events and adverb forms to describe regular events.
Noun - word for a person, place, or thing
Adverb - word that describes a verb or an adjective, e.g., 'montags'
Time phrase - a multi-word phrase that describes when something happens, e.g., 'am Montag'
Common misconception
Nouns in German have capital letters in the same situations as English nouns.
German nouns are always capitalised, no matter where or how they are used in a sentence.
Lesson video
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Starter quiz
6 Questions
on Monday
at the weekend