Year 1

The incredible voyages of Zheng He

I can describe some of the voyages of Zheng He.

Year 1

The incredible voyages of Zheng He

I can describe some of the voyages of Zheng He.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Zheng He was a Chinese admiral and explorer and made his final voyage of discovery in 1432, which would be his furthest.
  2. First stopping at Changle on the Chinese coast, he ordered the inscription of granite stele describing his journeys.
  3. Zheng He had made six other voyages in the seas of South East Asia and across the Indian Ocean.
  4. These voyages, made in huge 'treasure ships', were to show off Chinese power and force foreign rulers to pay tribute.
  5. Having travelled to East Africa, the expedition returned, but without Zheng He, who had died and was buried at sea.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that Zheng He went on his voyages by himself.

He was admiral of the Chinese fleet. He took many ships and lots of sailors on the voyages.


  • China - China is a country in Asia

  • Admiral - an admiral is a person in charge of many ships and sailors

  • Seafarer - a person who often explores new places by sea is a seafarer

  • Stele - a stele is a large piece of carved rock showing a story or information

Be sure to differentiate between the name "He" and the pronoun "he". "He" is pronounced like 'hay' and always has a capital letter, whereas 'he' only has a capital letter if it appears at the start of a sentence.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What type of transport would a seafarer use?
a train
a bicycle
Correct answer: a ship
Who travelled and lived in longboats?
early Polynesian explorers
Correct answer: the Vikings
early humans
What is a voyage?
Correct answer: a long journey, usually through water
a holiday in another country
a hike in the countryside
What sort of activity happens in places called ports?
Correct answer: trading
What do archaeologists study?
the paths of birds
objects from the future
Correct answer: objects from the past
What did Vikings use a sun-shadow board for?
Correct answer: navigating
moving boats through the water

6 Questions

Which country was Zheng He from?
Correct answer: China
What special name was used for the ships Zheng He sailed in?
sailing ships
Correct answer: treasure ships
cargo ships
What was the main reason for Zheng He's voyages?
to explore new countries and places
to show the sailors how to sail a ship
Correct answer: to show off Chinese power and wealth
Which continent did Zheng He reach on his furthest journey?
Correct answer: Africa
How do we know about Zheng He's journeys?
Correct answer: Stories were carved on granite steles.
Stories were written in books.
stories were told to children
Match the words to the definitions.
Correct Answer:admiral,a person in charge of ships and sailors

a person in charge of ships and sailors

Correct Answer:stele,a rock with information carved into it

a rock with information carved into it

Correct Answer:seafarer,a person who often explores new places by sea

a person who often explores new places by sea

Correct Answer:China,a country in Asia

a country in Asia

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