Year 2

Comparing Paul Stephenson and Emily Davison

I can explain why Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson's stories are similar.

Year 2

Comparing Paul Stephenson and Emily Davison

I can explain why Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson's stories are similar.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Despite living some time apart, both Emily and Paul's stories are similar.
  2. They were both angry about something that affected them and other people in Britain.
  3. They both fought for equality.
  4. They were both prepared to go to prison for what they believed and to try and get things changed.
  5. They are both recognised today as brave people who helped to change Britain.

Common misconception

Some may think that Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson were fighting for the same thing.

Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson were fighting for different change to happen in Britain at different times, around 50 years apart.


  • Suffragettes - the Suffragettes were a group of people who wanted women to have the right to vote in Britain

  • Arrested - when someone is arrested, they are taken away by the police because they have broken the law

  • Equality - equality means when everyone is treated fairly and in the same way

Spend some time on the timelines in learning cycle one to activate prior knowledge from earlier in the unit.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

A bus conductor works on a bus collecting ...
Correct Answer: tickets
The Suffragettes wanted women to have the right to in Britain.
Correct answer: vote
Who became the first bus conductor who was a person of colour on the Bristol buses?
Correct answer: Raghbir Singh
Emily Davison
Paul Stephenson
Paul Stephenson helped to make a difference in Bristol in the...
Correct answer: 1960s
In 1964 people were treated differently just because of their skin colour.
Correct answer: True
A new to stop anyone being treated differently because of their skin colour was made in 1965.
Correct Answer: law , laws, rule

6 Questions

Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson lived in Britain at the same time.
Correct answer: False
Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson’s stories are...
Correct answer: similar in some ways.
completely different.
Emily Davison and Paul Stephenson were both by the police.
Correct Answer: arrested, arested
Match the person to what they wanted to change in Britain.
Correct Answer:Emily Davison,women being treated differently to men

women being treated differently to men

Correct Answer:Paul Stephenson,people being treated differently because of their skin colour

people being treated differently because of their skin colour

Equality means...
taken away by the police because of breaking the law.
a group of people who wanted women to have the right to vote in Britain.
Correct answer: when everyone is treated fairly and in the same way.
They are both seen today as people who helped to change Britain and make people’s lives better.
Correct answer: brave

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