Year 3

How do empires collapse?

In this lesson we will take a quick look at some of the largest empires throughout history. We'll see that empires have risen and fallen since the first civilisations, and try and spot any common reasons for their downfalls. Then, we'll apply this learning to the collapse of the Shang Dynasty.

Year 3

How do empires collapse?

In this lesson we will take a quick look at some of the largest empires throughout history. We'll see that empires have risen and fallen since the first civilisations, and try and spot any common reasons for their downfalls. Then, we'll apply this learning to the collapse of the Shang Dynasty.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Features of empire, including centralised rule


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5 Questions

What was the name of the last Emperor of the Shang Dynasty?
Wu Ding
Correct answer: Zhou
What was the name of the archaeologist who discovered Fu Hao's tomb?
Cheng Tang
Shang Di
Wu Ding
Correct answer: Zheng Zhenxiang
Emperor Tang was popular because he: (Tick ALL that apply):
Changed the religion of the Shang people.
Discovered how to make iron.
Correct answer: Gave poor families a gold coin.
Correct answer: Lowered taxes.
Correct answer: Offered to sacrifice himself for his people.
What was the currency used by people during the Shang Dynasty
Bronze bars
Correct answer: Cowrie shells
Gold coins
What was the name of the Dynasty that replaced the Shang Dynasty?
Correct answer: Zhou

5 Questions

Who was the first emperor of the Shang?
Correct answer: Cheng Tang
Fu Hao
King Zhou
Which empire first made Baghdad its capital?
Correct answer: Abbasid Empire
British Empire
Mongol Empire
Portuguese Empire
Which empire first colonised countries around the world, including Brazil?
British Empire
Mongol Empire
Correct answer: Portuguese
Spanish Empire
King Zhou was considered a cruel and evil leader, who made bad decisions. Is this best described as a
economic factor
military factor
Correct answer: political factor
Empires usually collapse quickly and because of a single factor.
Correct answer: False