Year 4

Alexander's conquests

I can explain how Alexander created a great Macedonian Empire through military conquests.

Year 4

Alexander's conquests

I can explain how Alexander created a great Macedonian Empire through military conquests.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In his first battle against the Persians, Alexander showed great bravery and won the respect of his soldiers.
  2. Alexander captured city after Persian city, showing the people great mercy before defeating Darius III at Issus.
  3. Alexander then marched into Egypt, where the people made him pharaoh as thanks for ridding them of their Persian rulers.
  4. Alexander then sought out Darius III, defeating him at Gaugamela with superior tactics against the Persian chariots.
  5. Alexander conquered Babylon before continuing east to the River Indus; he died whilst returning home with his army.

Common misconception

That only Egyptian people who were related by blood to the previous pharaoh could become a pharaoh.

Alexander was an ancient Greek. He was not Egyptian by birth or by blood but the Egyptian people still made him a pharaoh after Alexander drove the Persians out of Egypt.


  • Mercy - showing mercy is treating someone kindly when you have power over them

  • Pharaoh - the leaders of Ancient Egypt were called pharaohs

  • Tactics - tactics are the plans armies use in battle to defeat their enemies

  • Babylon - Babylon was an ancient city in the Persian Empire that was located on the Euphrates River

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is the correct definition of a 'kingdom'?
a piece of land owned by a farmer
a place where people go to buy and sell goods
Correct answer: acountry or state ruled by a king or queen
a large building where people live together
What Greek kingdom had ended up under Persian control during the wars between the two countries?
Correct answer: Macdeon
Which statements are correct about King Phillip II and his ruling of the Kingdom of Macedon?
Correct answer: He became King of Macedon once the Greeks had pushed the Persians out.
He was the uncle of Alexander.
Correct answer: He helped the kingdom become wealthier.
Correct answer: He wanted all the city-states to work together as allies.
Complete the sentence. King Phillip II created the League of in about 338 BCE to defend Ancient Greece and defeat the Persians completely.
Correct Answer: Corinth, corinth
What happened two years after forming the League of Corinth?
King Phillip II abdicated
Correct answer: King Phillip II was murdered
King Phillip II was overthrown by Alexander
Order the events, starting with the earliest.
1 - League of Corinth is established
2 - Murder of Philip II of Macedon
3 - Alexander becomes the new king
4 - Alexander plans to defeat and conquer Persia

6 Questions

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Alexander became known for the he showed to the Persian people he conquered.
Correct answer: mercy
Which statements about the battle at Issus are correct?
Correct answer: The Persian king, Darius III, defeated Alexander.
He defeated the Persian king, Darius III.
He refused to enter into the fighting himself.
Correct answer: He showed great bravery by fighting alongside the men he commanded.
After Issus, where did Alexander and his army then head to?
Correct Answer: Egypt, egypt
How did the Ancient Egyptians show their gratitude to Alexander for ridding them of their Persian rulers?
They gave him lots of money.
Correct answer: They made him pharoah.
They named a building after him.
Correct answer: A new city was built and named after him.
Which statements about the expansion of Alexander's empire are correct?
King Darius won the Battle of Gaugamela.
Correct answer: The Persian army used chariots at Gaugamela.
Alexander conquered Babylon before Gaugamela.
Correct answer: In the Indus Valley Alexander successfully defeated the Persians.
What did Alexander become known as?
Correct Answer: Alexander the Great, Alexander the great, Alexander The Great, alexander the great

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