Year 5

St Patrick and Christianity in Ireland

I can describe why Christianity grew stronger in Ireland in the 5th century.

Year 5

St Patrick and Christianity in Ireland

I can describe why Christianity grew stronger in Ireland in the 5th century.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Although Christianity declined in Britain after the Romans left, it grew stronger in Ireland.
  2. Some people in Ireland had become Christian through contact with Roman Britain by the early 5th century.
  3. The actions of the Roman-British missionary, St Patrick, some time in the 5th century, spread the religion more widely.
  4. Risking martyrdom, he preached to the kings of north-east Ireland and set up churches.
  5. He recorded his life and missionary activities in his 'Confession' which is the main evidence we have for his life.

Common misconception

It is widely believed that St Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland.

Christianity had reached Ireland through contact with Roman Britain and as a result some Irish people converted to the religion.


  • Missionary - a missionary is a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country

  • Convert - to convert means when someone changes their religious faith or other belief

  • Martyr - a martyr is a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs

Look into some of the myths and legends about St Patrick.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

In what year did the Romans leave Britain?
401 CE
Correct answer: 410 CE
411 CE
What did the Anglo-Saxons believe in?
Correct answer: Paganism
Woden was the god of .
Correct Answer: war
What happened when the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain?
Christianity increased
Correct answer: Christianity declined
Christianity stayed the same
At Lullingstone there was evidence of .
a pagan statue
pagan jewellery
Correct answer: a pagan shrine
What does polytheistic mean?
believing in one god
not believing in any gods
believing in more than one god

6 Questions

Where was St Patrick born?
Correct answer: Britain
What was Patrick forced to be?
Correct Answer: A shepherd, shepherd
Patrick escaped Ireland because...
he became scared.
Correct answer: a vision from God told him to leave.
his captors let him go.
An angel told Patrick to return to Ireland as a ...
Correct answer: missionary
How do we know about St Patrick's life?
Correct Answer: The Confession, From his writing, Confession
Match these keywords to their definitions
Correct Answer:missionary,a person sent on a religious mission

a person sent on a religious mission

Correct Answer:convert,When someone changes their religious faith.

When someone changes their religious faith.

Correct Answer:martyr,a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs

a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs

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