Year 4

Early Christianity

I can describe the story of the early days of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Year 4

Early Christianity

I can describe the story of the early days of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Christianity began in the 1st Century CE when followers of Jesus Christ began to spread their new religion.
  2. Early Christianity spread from Judea throughout the Roman Empire, reaching Roman Britain in the late 2nd century CE.
  3. At first Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire as their faith worried the Romans.
  4. Christians were scapegoated and punished severely, often by being attacked and killed by wild animals in amphitheatres.
  5. Many Christians were killed for their faith, making them martyrs.

Common misconception

Christianity started with the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christianity developed after the death of Jesus when his followers continued to spread his teachings.


  • Religion - a religion is a belief in a god or gods and the practices the belief says to live by, such as praying and worshipping in a church, temple or mosque

  • Follower - a follower is a person who believes in the teachings of a leader

  • Judea - Judea is the mountainous region of ancient Palestine and once a kingdom of the Jewish people

  • Scapegoat - a scapegoat is someone who carries the blame for others' mistakes and wrongdoings

  • Martyr - a martyr is someone who would rather die or suffer than give up their religious or political beliefs

In Jewish scripture, once a year the priests of Israel would cleanse the nation of sins. Two goats were sacrificed: one was slaughtered and the other, the scapegoat, was sent away carrying the nation's sins with it (see Leviticus 16:8–10, KJV).
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

According to Christians, who is the son of God?
Correct answer: Jesus
Match the abbreviation to its meaning.
Correct Answer:BCE,the period on a timeline before the year 1

the period on a timeline before the year 1

Correct Answer:CE,the period on a timeline after the year 1

the period on a timeline after the year 1

Who was the leader of the Roman Empire?
the king
the president
the prime minister
Correct answer: the emperor
Match the word to its meaning.
Correct Answer:province,a place controlled by Rome that was outside of Italy

a place controlled by Rome that was outside of Italy

Correct Answer:empire,a large group of territories ruled over by an emperor

a large group of territories ruled over by an emperor

Correct Answer:country,a land with borders that has one government

a land with borders that has one government

Correct Answer:city,a place where many people live close together

a place where many people live close together

The Roman Empire became too big to rule and in 395 CE it was spit in two. The Eastern Roman Empire was also known as the __________ Empire.
Correct answer: Byzantine
Jupiter, Mars and Apollo are examples of Roman __________.
Correct answer: gods

6 Questions

Christianity started in the first century .
Correct Answer: CE, ce
Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of __________.
Correct answer: Jesus Christ
Muhammad (PBUH)
Match the keyword to its definition.
Correct Answer:religion,belief in a god or gods

belief in a god or gods

Correct Answer:follower,a person who believes in the teachings of a leader

a person who believes in the teachings of a leader

Correct Answer:scapegoat,someone who is blamed for others' mistakes and wrongdoings

someone who is blamed for others' mistakes and wrongdoings

Correct Answer:martyr,someone who would rather suffer than give up their beliefs

someone who would rather suffer than give up their beliefs

Place the events about early Christianity in the correct order, starting with the earliest.
1 - Jesus dies.
2 - Jesus's followers spread his teachings, starting the Christian religion.
3 - Christianity spreads across the Roman Empire.
4 - Christians are persecuted for their religion.
Why were the early Christians persecuted in the Roman Empire?
Correct answer: They refused to worship the Roman gods.
They worshipped only one God.
Correct answer: The Romans thought that they were plotting to cause trouble for the Empire.
The Romans did not mind Christians gathering and spreading Jesus's teachings.
Many Christians were killed for their faith, making them .
Correct Answer: martyrs, Martyrs

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